Thursday, June 23, 2011


And I don't mean me! Diesel has been worked pretty hard and is doing great! He has calmed down alot.

My first lesson on him had to be rescheduled due to the rain. And I am very grateful for that. He is showing progress with softening up and has yet to act up...even when pushed. I can't wait to get on him this Sunday.

And in other news...I just bought a trailer. It is a used 20' stock trailer that is in good condition. It is not very tall but Kevin assures me it will be no trouble to cut the top off and add a foot. I can't believe he volunteered for this job. He must love me! My life is blessed.

Friday, June 17, 2011


After spending an hour grooming and loving on Diesel I am feeling nice and relaxed. He is such a neat horse.

After spending 3 days in training, Diesel was relaxed. Hard work is good for the soul. Lol.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Plan

After researching and researching....and researching some more, I have decided to hold off on the trailer. If only money were no object... I only have a 2 or 3 more years left in my truck. I hate to invest so much in new tires, gooseneck hitch, wiring, and helper springs. A new truck and trailer will cost me ~$45,000. I'd love to find used ones in great condition. This requires patience! With all of the expense of a new house, barn, land, and fences I cannot responsibly buy a trailer now. I say this but it is all relative. I do not believe in debt. The only acceptable debt for me is mortgage and one vehicle and both should have a decent amount put down. There is alot of my dad-the-accountant in me!

The new plan: Get Diesel going good this month with Jennifer and board him there afterwards. That way I do not need a trailer to take lessons on him. I hope to ride regularly and get one or two lessons a month to keep improving. Eventually, I'd like to try competing in something, possibly barrels. We'll see what he is best suited for.

I have to take him places and ride ALOT if he is going to be my next Miss Priss. Of course, there will never be another. I just want to have a trustworthy and finished horse. And he is such a nice horse, very well conformed.

In the meantime, I am up for extra hours at work. They start on Tuesday and go until the summer testing is over, about a month. I will work only mornings and will be in town so I can see my Bub when I am done. Sounds like a plan to me!

I can't wait for my lesson tonight. For now, I better get back to work around the house. My life is blessed.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Article

Observations of the Dead Horse Guy

The article contains suggestions made by a man who runs a large animal burial service. Who better to document how horses lives end and what to do to prevent it?

Monday, June 13, 2011


I am very excited about actively riding again. And, of course, I frequent Facebook. Since reporting my recent lesson and plans to send Diesel to the trainer, I've had lots of feedback. Almost everyone has said with disdain, "Why? You don't need lessons. You know how to ride. Train him yourself.". Everyone who has ever ridden a couple of times as a kid is an expert. This banter immediately tells me who has no real understanding of how horses work. And it tells me how few real horse people are in my life. Both realizations make me sad.

The best athletes still have a coach. World record holders still train with others. Why should it be any different with horses? I find that the more years I have horses, the more I don't know. I got my first horse 18 years ago and began before that with lessons that continued for years. But, I have not worked with a trainer in 14 years. I'd say it's about time.

I am looking for someone to critique my riding and see what I don't see. I want to be a better rider. I am not at all athletic. You can't tell me I don't need a coach. Not to mention it is fun. And, I need to get my confidence back. Plus, my Diesel is alot of horse with little experience and alot of potential. I want to do right with him. There are lots of reasons why I should spend the money and do this.

Diesel goes to C/J Performance Horses this evening. I do not feel bad about this decision. I think it is worth every penny.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Busy Times!

My lesson was a blast. I rode the old babysitter...who is 11. That says alot about the place. All horses were in great shape and very well mannered. It was great to ride a perfectly solid horse. We did basics and trotted a barrel pattern.

After obsessing over my options, I have decided to send Diesel off for training. The sooner, the better. And it is time to invest in a horse trailer. So, after a week of research and searching I have made my final decision. I'm ordering a stock trailer from Far West in Hallettsville. It will break the bank but should last a lifetime. That means no tack room but should be no problemo since I will not be going long distance very often, if ever.

The times they are a-changing. I hope to rekindle my riding routine. Wish us luck!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Sadly, my fish, Oscar, continued to go down hill and had to be put down. There is no doubt it was time. School is now over and all fish have been rehomed or temporarily moved due to the construction at school. I now have a flying fish living in my home. It is such a neat creature. Toadie, the toadfish, is living in another room at school and being cared for by a wonderful lady who definitely deserves a treat. I'm thinking pedicure.

The girls are doing great. Priss is happy being a horse without any worries or work. It is time to walk her around the pasture again. My farrier is considering removing her wedge pads next time to transition her back to barefoot. We are a year and a half from her tendon injuries. She trots in for dinner every night.

Becca is very near being locked up for the year. Our drought has allowed her to stay out to pasture for much longer. She is a bit porky right now. Guess that makes us OneChunkyMonkey.

Diesel is a turd. He is impatient and has begun throwing tantrums. Therefore, we have spent all of this week working on that. He is not impressed. Nor am I. Today, he was very good for a bath and sheath cleaning (yuck!).

The biggest news...I am leaving to go to a riding lesson in an hour. It will be my first in about 15 years. I'd say it's time. I am riding the instructors horse and getting a feel for her establishment. I am hoping to send Diesel for training later on. Or get my confidence up enough not to need to. We'll see. Regardless, I am excited about getting out there with other experienced horse people. It's been too long.

My life is blessed.