Monday, April 25, 2011

Lessons from Prissy

My horse is special- as in speeeeshul. She's cranky and hot and she grunts and growls. To a stranger she might appear to be difficult. I like to think of it as character.

After 16 years obsessing over her every want and need I think I know her pretty darn well. The hot-ness is just her loving the ride and wanting to go. NOW. The grunts are in pleasure. The growls only happen when she is not ready to stop. Yet, she does, begrudgingly. Good girl.

Today I rode her around the pasture once again. She rode like a a halter...did I mention she is the greatest horse in the world? Yep. She is dead broke but has get up and go that can't go. She is definitely just a walkable horse because of her physical limitations.

When we returned to the barn she tried to break into a trot. She slowed as I insisted with a slight tug to the lead rope and I walked her around the paddock a few times to reassert our need to be calm. She cooperated with a series of growls, of course. I dismounted and she stood quietly for me to remove her polos and halter.

And that was the end of my control! She ran off with a squeal of joy as I rolled my eyes at her. Today's lesson from the beast: You're only as old as you feel. And she feels 5, not almost 25.

My life is blessed.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Greatest Moments

There are a few moments in my life that I know are milestones in the moment they are happening. Yesterday, I had one unforgettable experience. I wrapped up Prissy's legs, put a halter on her, and rode her around the pasture once. It felt like magic. She is the horse of a lifetime. She carried me around like we do it every day. I did not feel nervous. She felt solid. And I will admit I cried tears of joy the entire time. Why?

It has been 19 months since I've been on her. And I never thought I'd get to do it again. She moved well and did not feel like she was unsteady. I think I can do this again! Never take anything for granted. My life is blessed.