Sunday, April 22, 2012


I can’t help but rave about Laura Crum’s latest release.  I love this story from the start with Cutter to the 12th book, Barnstorming.  The story of veterinarian, Gail McCarthy, began with her adventures at the age of 31.  This also happened to be my age when I discovered the series a few years ago.  It was so easy to relate to the characters.  With each book Gail ages and her life evolves.  The story is so engaging that every year I make time to reread each book in the sequence.  I don’t plan on changing this tradition.   

The story is full of excitement, suspense, and, of course, horses.  Laura Crum does a fantastic job of telling a story that moves quickly but has the detail needed to really relate to the characters, human and horse, alike.  The main character, Gail, struggles with decisions about family and career at the same time dealing with life and death situations and a mystery that keeps your on your toes. 

I made a day of this book.  I found a very rare opening in my hectic life and sat on the couch with a drink and snacks and just read the book cover to cover.  The feeling I got as I read the last page was bittersweet.  It was delightful to enjoy the experience but disappointing that it was over.  I could give you a book report and summarize the story but that would just ruin it for you.  Get the book.  Or better yet, order the entire series.  I did and have never regretted it.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Way it Goes

It's about time for an update. Becca has been a doll. I'm riding her every week and she is doing fantastic. Last weekend, I took her on a 4 mile trail ride down turn rows and across streets and a low water crossing. She took it all in stride and was a pleasure to ride. And then she worked great in the rodeo arena. She is even loading better. This issue came up when she realized that getting in the trailer meant we were going to work. And work is something she hadn't done in alot of years. The point is I have my own RIDING horse and I love her. It's like getting a new horse but better.

Diesel is another story. He had been sound for 2 weeks. The custom shoes where working and the pain from the navicular and bone chips was minimal to none. He was even sound at a lope. So my plan was to ride him and Bec this afternoon. But you know how it goes....

He didn't come up for breakfast. He just stood with one leg cocked. Uh oh. I walk out to him and see no swelling or cuts or bites. As I got close it was painfully obvious something was very wrong with his stifle. So after bute and hydro-ing for awhile the vet arrived. His thought is patellar tendon tear. It is hard without mobile xray or ultrasound. We wait and bute and hydro and see. So, this is the way it goes. Always something. I hope this gets better. Regardless of the fact that Diesel is a incredibly expensive, gorgeous pasture ornament, I still am fond of him and hope he can live happily ever after.

Monday, March 5, 2012


It is so wonderful to see my old lady run all out for dinner. She snorted and bounced and had the most amazing, happy look on her face. It was not unlike my face, yesterday.

Diesel got Tennessee Navicular shoes put on last week. After 6 days, I was able to ride him around at a walk with no pain meds. This is big. I haven't been able to ride for months. I am aware that this is just a few good days but I can only hope I get more opportunities in the future.

Next, I rode Becca. She, too, did great. She even let go when I asked her to. This is fun! I have my lady back. And, in her old age, she has settled nicely. She trusts me and has not been silly at all.

To end my day of fun I went to visit a friend. I rode sweet Annie for 2 1/2 hours. She is steady and obedient and does not get in a hurry to do anything. I love riding her. She's a relaxed version of my dear, Prissy.

I hope this beautiful weather holds out. I could get used to a little riding fun. Spring Break can't get her fast enough.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Sometimes what you need is right in front of you. I need a horse that I can ride that is mine. So, last weekend, I asked Jenny to test ride Becca. She hollered and screamed and had eyes as big as saucers. And she did just fine. There was no buck in her at all but she was resisting the bit big time. So the next day I rode her at home in her old English bridle. She was much happier with the soft bit. And she did everything I asked, albeit not so pretty.

After my disappointing trip to the vet Tuesday I hauled her back to the arena to blow off some steam. She was great. It felt like the good ole days. I am so excited to have her back. I am going to go slow with her because of her age and the nature of her back injury. And, I pray that she stays sound. She is not totally happy to be out of retirement but it will be good for her health and my sanity.

My life is blessed by amazing beasts.

Bec- before. Maybe we can be NOChunkyMonkies???


I have ridden all 3 of my horses in the last 2 weeks as well as 3 of a friends. I've had more ride time lately than I have in years and it feels great. Granted, Priss and Diesel are restricted to just a walk. It still feels great. However, in life, heartache is never far behind.

Diesel went to back to Bay City to see if we can get him more relief from the navicular. The farrier that works with the vet watched him walk just a few strides and wanted to see his X-rays. After viewing them, he ordered lateral shots. What we found was completely unexpected. In addition to navicular disease, Diesel suffers from bone chips in both of his coffin joints. It's amazing he has been sound at all. This is completely fixable with a costly surgery. How do you justify that kind of money for a horse who will undoubtably be lame the rest of his life? I can't. We did put him in eggbars with wedge pads to see if it would help the navicular pain. I'll give it two tries and if it is not helping we'll pull the shoes and leave him in the pasture until it is time. It kills me to know our time is limited and that the end will have to be my decision. Diesel is such an amazing horse and I already miss him.

Cow Ponies

...make the best pleasure rides. Many thanks to Richard Meyer for allowing me to ride Annie, Kate, and Angel. I haven't had so much fun in a long time. He even let me pick up Annie and haul her to the arena to play. There is nothing as solid as a horse that knows work. It feels great to ride such confident horses.


Richard, Amanda, and Les lead the way.