Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Progress Report

I've been on Diesel 15 times in the last 4 weeks. If felt like more but how could it have been with me running off to play every weekend? Diesel concluded one month of basic training and one month of barrel training followed by another month of board so I had access to the arena. I'm almost out of hay and definitely out of cash. So, Diesel came home on Sunday. It is nice to have him close but, oh man, do I miss the arena. The cracks are awful and he tripped nonstop at a walk. I'll be hauling him to town at least once a week to really ride.
Now that he is home, I am slowly transitioning him back on grass. And, he is spending time every day either under saddle or tied to the fence. I can't let the hard work go to waste.
My new saddle came in a week ago. It is fabulous. Good tack is so important.
As for my girls, Priss is fat and sassy, as always. Becca was lunged yesterday and was sound in a canter. This is new and exciting. I'll give her until spring and she will go back to work. I hope her back and shoulder has healed fully after 5 years. The donkey, Anabelle, is a trooper. She does not love getting haltered but once it is on, she is golden. Yesterday, she tied, got clipped, brushed, and got hoof conditioner put on. When I was done, she hung out for more lovin'.
I can't wait to keep riding and training. It is so good to be back in business! My life is blessed.