Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Most Exciting House Work

Getting bricks! You didn't really think I meant house cleaning, did you?

Monday, December 15, 2008

New Houses are EXCITING!!!!!

Here are a few recent pics of my new house. Too cool.

Disaster Strikes

WARNING: Graphic pictures at end.

The first disaster was my neighbors moving out and taking their wireless internet. Now I am without- torturous. I will be up and running again when I move into my new house...probably the end of January. Patience.

Then, there was the electricity miscommunication. I have electricity but the new landlords are jumping through hoops to get it sorted out on paper. Then, the dog ate my Ariat mule. My favorite pair of working-outside- shoes.

Last Sunday, I lunged all 3 ponies. Priss is old and stiff but not lame. Becca is fit but fat. Diesel is no longer lame on his sliced heel. Only took six months. As soon as I find the time, I'll begin conditioning him to ride again. Don't hold your breath. This is my shining good news.

The horror was what I found last Sunday after my pony time. Spooky almost killed Gretchen. I have no idea was spurred the attack. They have been fine together for many years. Gretchen has over 60 punctures in her hind legs. Her neck sustained deep punctures. I found the house covered in blood. Furniture was moved. Gretchen was hiding in the corner. Spooky was hiding, stunned in the corner. It was a massacre. I have no idea how Gretchen survived. Tuesday, she had to have surgery to removed dead tissue and insert drain tubes in her neck. She didn't eat all week. She is finally showing improvement. This makes me so happy. But, my heart is broken over Spooky. She is living with my parents as an only pet. This arrangement may not be long term. I cannot allow this to happen again. Spooky was, up until this week, known as my all time best dog. Heartbroken doesn't even begin to describe what I am feeling.

Monday, November 17, 2008

What's Happening?

Lots. I check on the horses every evening with a flashlight. My neighbors must think I'm a crazy person...out in the dark pointing the flashlight at legs and bellies. No new boo boos. Lots of cranky looks. Too cold, not enough hay. So they think. I feed 3/4 of a bale a day. Pigs.

The dogs are keeping me busy. Scruffy is always up to shenanigans. Bitsy is going downhill. It would be so much easier if she was not bouncing around with a smile on her face. She's old. She's stiff. She has trouble getting in her recliner. She gets the runs easily. But, she's happy and not in any clear pain. I wonder if she will see Christmas. Every morning I get up and expect to see her in a forever sleep. But no, she pops up and bounces around the house.

Speaking of house....I have walls and roof and windows and an a/c unit. No brick, yet. Lots happening. Paint today, electrical tomorrow. Will I have everything ready for move-in in January? Probably not. Working hard. Until next time. My life is blessed.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I love him. He's gorgeous. He's comical. He's well mannered. He's lame. I really miss riding Diesel, aka Dingleberry. He likes me. He misses being exercised. His topline is awful. Problem- I can't exercise him...his foot hurts. He's wearing the hoof flat in front. I hope this isn't career ending. Trail pony career, that is. I'll get the farrier's opinion again next week. He was positive after the last trim. I have awful luck with pets. Accidents, metabolic disorders, arthritis, skin conditions, chronic ear mites, separation anxiety with the pisser. Scruffy is a challenge. That's putting it nicely. Until I get him better trained, I am missing out on quality time with everyone else. I make a concerted effort to give everyone attention. I'm neglecting Pumpkin, though. She's mad at me for keeping Blue and Scruff. I did get a few hugs today from her. She's not totally angry. I am totally tired. Maybe the house will really get framed this week. That's what they say. That'll energize me. For now, gotta get back to my mountain of papers to grade.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Boys

I have several boys in my life. Let me tell you about them.

Squirt is a little red eared slider. He has issues...not sure if Seymour tried to eat him or if it is bacterial. He has extremely damaged peripheral scutes. Mild bleeding. He has been moved into the house where it is temperature and moisture regulated. Damage has not worsened. I hope he pulls out of this. He is active and eating well.

Diesel is my big boy. Very big boy. He likes to hang out with me. Today, he followed me around the round pen while I poop scooped. When I was done, I lunged him very lightly. He trotted around the 60' pen 3 times each direction. Just enough to know that he is still a bit lame on his foot and that his four foot tenderness is still there. He's always been a tenderfoot. Big baby. He loved the attention, though. Cued perfectly, even with cooler temps. Love that boy.

Blue is my kitty man. He always liked coming in the house. Since it has gotten cool he is almost always inside. He should've been born a dog. He follows me everywhere. He even goes out and follows me when I walk the dogs. Comes back in when I go in. Feeds the horses with me. Watches just outside the round pen as I lunge Bec. Crazy cat. And he has stolen Bitsy's spot on the recliner. Just as well...she hasn't been able to get up there for a few days. I will have to make a decision soon. I've been saying that for over a year. All I know for sure is that it isn't quite time, yet. She has a wonderfully plush blankie to sleep on right now.

Scruffy is my challenge. He hugs. He sits in my lap every time I sit down- including now. He is the sweetest little thing. Around here, 20 pounds is little. Here's the thing. He's a pisser. He doesn't mark the house. He unloads his full bladder on the wall. Once while I'm at school. Quite often, once again when I leave him to take care of the horses. Why not take him with me when I go out? He runs off. He doesn't respond to his name. He chases cats. He loves to get under the house...comes out brown instead of white. He gets out of his harness when chained up. Why don't I crate him? He pisses on the crate and gets the wall AND himself wet. He's bad. Bad to the bone. We are making progress. He hasn't pooped on the floor lately. Any given day you can find me outside walking Scruffy ten times telling him what a good dog he is...potty goes outside. Soon, I will have to let him go loose and trust that he comes back without getting run over. Scary.

Man, I wish I had a fenced yard. I have lots to look forward to. I should have that wish by Spring Break. And a house...if they ever get started. All of the supplies are there, everything except the workers. Framers will start soon. Last Monday was the day...still waiting not so patiently.

I am blessed to have the boys and girls in my life. All 13 of them. I am insane. I admit it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What next?

The concrete work on the house got postponed until next week. Rain in the forecast for the first time in months. All it takes is a bundle of moolah and time put into a project for the rain to come and scare us away. Who knows? Maybe it will miss us and the pastures with crumble into dust while my house goes up in record time. Maybe we will get it and rejuvenate the grass while making a mess of my house. Win-win.

I came home today ready for my holiday tomorrow. Scruffy made it through his neuter just fine and came home sore but a better man. And Dad was on the Grandmother is in acute renal failure. I have a bad feeling about this. My life is blessed and faith will get me through this one- either way it goes.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Latest

Scruffy ran after a lady last Saturday night. Just ran off. I found him Sunday unable to walk with puncture wounds all over his front legs. He is healing nicely. Most were just direct punctures. One spot has an ugly rip but is healing without infection. He let me clean the wound sites without a complaint.

Scruffy has had his first vet appointment. He is strongly heartworm positive. The vet recommends giving him some time to settle and learn the routine before we treat. He's a very active dog and must stay confined after treatment. We'll schedule something after the first of the year. His snip, snip is scheduled for this Tuesday. Don't tell. It's a secret. He's really beginning to like it here and I wouldn't want him to change his mind :)

And now for the biggest news. Becca, the Queen of All Chunky Monkies, has all of the symptoms of Equine Metabolic Syndrome. The diet and exercise has not been successful. She has lost gas but not real weight. She is limited most of the day to the round pen. Grass is in short supply due to drought. She is on Low-Carb feed. We exercise 4-5 times a week.

Now we exercise 30 minutes a day. Last night, I tried lunging in the dark. It was a good night to start- nearly full moon. She was disturbed a bit at first but settled down and cued well after a few minutes. It is very important that I can lunge at night since I don't get home until near dark most days. I really needed one more thing to do every day.

The house has forms with plumbing and rebar ready to pour concrete. The house is going to progress very fast, now. It is a good thing. I check on the place after work every day. Then, I come home and walk Scruffy on a leash. Lunge and feed or feed and lunge- depending on how late it is. After dark, I come in and finish work for the paying job. And after that, I work on the online course I am taking for GT certification. Usually, I get up with animals twice a night. It is no wonder that I slept most of today instead of working on the class. I hope things settle down soon. I'm too tired to ride. I'm too tired to socialize. But, I do have a wonderfully blessed life. I try to post regularly but it has been difficult. Until next time....

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Where's Devra?

She's staying busy. The house construction started this week. In the meantime, grass needed to be mowed. Curtains needed to be hung...strangers on the property. Brush piles needed burning, weeds needed spraying, concrete chunks moved. My parents have been here for over a week. They have been working like dogs every day while I go to work.

Speaking of work....I've been doing alot of that, too. Things just haven't been normal since Ike. And I'm taking an online course. I did manage to squeeze in a fishing trip. Had a blast.

Becca is still on grass restrictions. She is much happier, though. She spends nights in the round pen but does get out during the day. I have jumped on her bareback a few times to exercise her. She is doing quite well. Still hurts to extend her front legs out much. No canter. Priss is cranky- from the mosquitoes or the arthritis, I don't know. Could be either. Diesel scraped his leg. Minor scrape all the way down one leg. On what, I have no idea. He can hurt himself on nothing. He's still lame on that hoof that he sliced way back when. Some improvement, though. It's not like I have time to ride. Just groom and spray them down with the skeeter repellent. I get plenty of hugs. That will never be scarce.

Now for the big news. Two months ago someone dumped a dog nearby. He has been running with the other dumpees that live two doors down. My neighbor has been feeding them leftovers. Last week, she broke down and bought flea meds and real dogfood. I cannot get involved without getting myself in trouble....

Mom caved. She no longer threatened my life if I took in Scruffy. She went so far as to tell me that I could consider keeping him if Bitsy were to pass away. A friend and I bathed him on Thursday. We had to do it in the bathtub so he wouldn't get chills. And then we had to wait for him to dry. And then, he liked the house so well he spent the night. He's housebroken. Someone loved him, just not enough to keep him.

Friday, he was nowhere to be found. He was all Dad talked about. Where's that Scruffy dog? He's such a good dog. I was very concerned. After I went to bed Spooky started barking. Scruffy was outside. He spent the night again. Today, Mom told her sister that I got a new dog. The neighbors are paying for all of his start-up costs. All I have to do is agree. He's going in next week for his preliminary work. Snip, snip to come. The other dogs like him. They all share the bed. They play around in the house. I can't pass this one up. Bitsy is doing fine. I can't believe that I have 4 dogs. In the house. The inn is full. Four dogs, four cats, three horses, and two turtles. I have surpassed the crazy animal lady designation. I'm nuts. He's a neat dog. The name stuck. Gretchen is no longer the scruffy dog. He's got her beat.
Meet Scruffy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Baby Steps

The first cool cold front of the year has been here for a few days. EVERYONE feels great. I've had the windows open since Monday. The result is frisky horses. Not stupid frisky, just feeling good- move a little faster-frisky. Priss took out of the front pens like a mad woman today for no reason. No one started it. No one followed. Just feeling good. Diesel trotted out to Bec when I released her for the evening. It really is a big deal for the lazy boy to trot out unless someone else does first. The big news....not quite as lame. Still a bit lame. Baby steps towards soundness. I'll take it.

Another baby step happened today. I went out to the new place to take the boards off of the barn windows. A miracle happened. I have electric poles. I applied the first week of June. Now, we just need to get them out again to wire the temporary pole. You know...the pole that Tilson hasn't put up, yet. I did get to the title company today to see about fixing the mess-up on the title policy. There is no pipeline on my property, thus, no reference to it on the survey. They are going to revise the policy. I'll be moving into my not-yet-started home soon. Just you wait.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Tonight, Emmie came to visit. I hadn't seen her for over a week. She was very distracted by Pumkin. Pumpkin proceeded to attack. They rolled around a bit until my yelling interrupted them. Pumpkin got a spanking. Emmie got some soft words. Everything settled down and I gave everyone hugs. I'm just glad that Emmie is doing fine. She is actually gaining weight since her spay. She needed it.

All is well here. My crew of 12 is doing fine. I did pull 6 ticks off of Diesel. We'll see what he looks like tomorrow. One spot is already starting to swell. So, when I say the crew is all well...I mean all is normal. Always something. Regardless, my life is blessed.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Imagination? Not so chunky?

What do you think? I swear that she is losing weight. Not enough, yet. Making progress. Restricted pasture, diet food, and exercise. Much harder to get weight off than on. Funny how that works.


There is still a rather thick layer of fat. She has mostly lost gas. She farts nonstop. We're getting there, though. She is ready to get back on the grass. She gets 2-3 hours a day right now. Not nearly enough for sanity but she is holding up well. Plus, she is getting better with the herd-bound issues. Win-win.

Scared the Poop out of Everybody

Ike was headed straight for us. We evacuated. On the way, the horses pooped and pooped. Mountains of it. But, everyone behaved. They knew. Travel, both trips, was uneventful. I have discovered that 3 horses and a 2 horse trailer are not a good thing. Had to leave too early so I could make 2 trips. Next time we wait an extra day. We went toward where the storm ended up landing. It turned.

70 mile/hr winds and rain. No one hurt, no structural damage, not even a tree limb down. Amazing. We only lost power for 2 hours. Wharton County Electric Coop is amazing. They went out in the worst of the storm to restore our power...used spotlights to find the problem.

It was still safer to be at my parent's house than at my rental...landlords have junk piles of tin and lumber dangerously close to the pasture. This stuff is left over from Hurricane Claudette in 2003. I live in a land of exquisite beauty and occasional devastation. I do not hesitate to leave.

All 3 cats peed themselves. Blue is a house kitty. He had to have a bath. We did the pillowcase method under the tub faucet. Baby shampoo and quick rinse. He took it like a champ. I dried him off and gave him extra hugs. Mom found a pile of poop in the corner of the pillowcase when all was done. None on him, thank goodness. Two baths would have done him in! Scared the poop out of him. I was unable to find Emmie to take her along. I still have not found her. The neighbors have seen her and have been feeding her. I'm still worried about her.

I took both turtles. They pooped due to stress during the ride.

I didn't sleep at all during the storm. I didn't sleep well when all was over. I kept thinking of all the people of Galveston and Bolivar Penninsula who didn't leave. I kept thinking of the people who had no home to go home to. When you live on the coast you know it will happen. Just not when.

I am building a home in a coastal county. I bought land in one of the highest places here. It has never flooded. Ever. I am 4 miles from the nearest bay...and it is an inland bay. My house will be built on a 3 foot concrete slab. Extra hurricane straps. I will still leave for the big one. No question.

Despite having a long, stressful evacuation, I still enjoyed spending time with my family. Below are pictures of the horses in the backyard, there. Not too stressed. Lots of fun things to watch. More grass than they needed. Bec was very limited in grazing time.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Still a Lady

Becca is confined to the round pen. I expect this to be a relatively long-term arrangement. She has lost a few inches of gas belly. It is the blubber layer that is of concern. She has eaten every blade of grass within reach. And now she is resigned to eating that nasty hay I left for her. Much of today she pouted and refused to eat.

Of course, she was undoubtedly tired from last night. The farmers burned the corn field behind the house and next to the pasture. I got home yesterday evening to find it burning with no one watching it. I kept an eye on it all night. It still smolders this evening. Thanks. Thanks alot. Who cares if we burn down the neighbor's house and horses? The fire is safely in the middle of the field, now, with no fuel to spread. Last night, it inched it's way toward my house...disturbingly close. I am all for controlled burns...just disc around the field, please. The horses were all on edge today. Rightfully so.

Bec is getting exercise every day. Lunging or light riding...bareback, of course. Fatty patty. She is acting like a lady despite her imprisonment. Gotta love that gal. She is too sweet to describe. And never pushy. She walks toward the gate when I enter or exit but never tries to get out. I love her responsiveness. Touch her and she gives. When riding, a little leg has her sidepassing nicely- bareback in a halter.

I know. I can't afford to get crunched. She is solid. She is responsive. She is not crabby or jumpy. Even when the tractors and combines go by and the other horses are running around. She doesn't miss a step or change her pace. She's a great horse. Except for the constant weight issues and the sore back. She is fine walk, trot. Even with the weight of a rider. I never work her hard when I ride. She is not ready for that. Mostly walk. Lunging is different.

How could such a fit horse be so fat? Lunging, she hardly breaks a sweat. It is 80- 85 degrees in the evening. She doesn't even breathe hard. 5 minutes walk, 20 minutes trot, 5 minutes canter, 10 minutes trot, 5-10 minutes walk- changing direction to work each direction evenly. That's quite a workout. And yet, no weight loss. Just lots of farting :)

Gotta stick with it. Poor gal is lonely. I may have to let her out to graze with her buds a bit in the evenings. She has never been a problem to catch, even after confinement. We'll see. Still too much grass in the pasture to let her out for long. Diesel is hanging out near her and grooming over the top of the round pen. She's not completely alone. Not bad for two horses that used to hate each other. She rarely pins her ears at him and shows her teeth. Not true love, but friends, maybe.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nothing Like It

Nothing in the world compares to watching the sun go down from the comfort of a horse. Today I cooled off Bec after a good workout in the round pen. She's completely sound walk/trot but is sore at a canter. She's back to living in the round pen. Chunky elephant. Chunky hippo. Chunky whale. Chunky monkey just doesn't cut it.

Diesel is still lame. But doesn't hurt so bad that he can't buck and run in the pasture. Figures.

Blue is spending more and more nights inside. No problems except the dogs are mad at me for letting him in bed.

And as for me...I am struggling to keep myself in good spirits. Work is so frustrating. The kids will do anything that allows them to sit and be entertained but ask them to prove their understanding and it is another story. Some will not even attempt a simple assignment. And then they get offended that I call them on it. They are embarrassed. Just try already. Jeez. Why can't we kick some butt? Why won't their parents kick their butts?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Where does it go? I understand that managing a rented property/pasture and preparing my own property is a big job. Why can't I find daylight hours to work with the horses? I found a half hour today.

Diesel is lame on his good front leg. What #%&? I am concerned that he'll need shoes once his hoof grows out. That's the non-lame leg. He lunged wonderfully around once each direction. One lap. No buck while reversing. Good boy.

Bec is a fatty patty. The recent rains have made extra grass. No good. Tonight the horses eat down the round pen. Tomorrow, Bec gets locked up. Again. Fatty.

Blue is sleeping on the blanket next to me. He's a house cat. No denying it. His girlfriend, Emmie, is getting her stitches out tomorrow. Maybe I'll get home in time to lunge Bec. And grade 150 tests. Yeah....right. Regardless, my life is blessed.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Shake, Rattle, and RUN!!!!!!!

Progress is being made at our future home. We have been burning brush. 4 piles down, about 15 to go. No exaggeration. The house construction has still not begun. No electricity. And, I need documentation that the pipeline on the title policy is not actually on my property. You'd think the title company would get that straight. Or that the builder could clearly see that it is outside of my property line.

Now for the fun part. What lives in brush piles and rattles? We killed a 3-footer today. 9 segments on its rattle. Big lump in its belly. I will volunteer to drive the tractor in the future...sit up high. My new favorite job. We keep the tractor and sprayer close by to stop any runaway flames.

Gustav is heading east of us. There is no chance of rain in the forecast. I pray for the creatures in its path. And, I sincerely hope it sticks to the path they predict. I have a brand new uninsured barn. No one wants to insure it right now...can't even get a quote in between storms. Go figure.

I currently have 3 very cranky horses. They haven't gotten a good night's sleep in weeks. Mosquitoes are horrible. I spray them down with fly spray twice a day. Still, I hear them kicking the barn walls at night to knock off the bugs and voice their discomfort. No one wants hugs. They are in dire need of restful sleep. But good news, I think Diesel is ready to ride. Just a small scab left on his foot. If only I could find the energy. Not today. Regardless, my life is blessed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I was so tired today that I was asleep by 5:30. Up at 7, finished with tomorrow's lesson by 10:00. It has been really hard for me to adjust to going back to work. I'm ready to go back to bed.

Adjusting is not so hard for Blue. He runs in every time I open the door. He even knows which door I am about to open. I think he is waiting under the house. As you can see, he is settling in well to the House Kitty life.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Can we ride already?

But, we're getting there. Did I mention it rained ALOT again? I'll ride in my dreams for awhile.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Start the Day Right

How do you start the day? The right way is to begin with a relaxed and prolonged horsie snuggle. It is amazing. If I am rushed to get my hugs and kisses, the day is hectic all day. If I take my time and savor the moment, the day goes great. Funny, huh?

How do you end the day? You can see this coming. Relaxed, extended horsie snuggle time. Recharges the soul. Corny, but true.

Moments with our creatures is vital for our health. Today, I had the opportunity to nap with Spooky in a tight hug. Just a few minutes, but it energized me. Too bad I have to work all weekend to get ready for school on Monday. Doesn't matter. All I need is hugs. My life is blessed.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where's D?

D is back to work. It is really fun these first few weeks. Demanding. Gotta learn everyone's names. Not my forte. I do recognize a few names. Great kids. It's gonna be a great year.

We got rain. Lots. The drought is over. Diesel's perverse swollen area is almost back to normal. Almost. And his cut heel is almost healed. Maybe a week or so more. The horses are all on the mend. Priss is sound. Bec is enjoying regular exercise.

The cats are all "fixed". Emmie was preggers. Blue is swollen and may not be aware yet that he is less his jewels. They both behaved like angels. And the best news- they still like me. Good thing.

Another good thing...starting back to work with a low-key week before kids. This work stuff is hard to get used to. I had an entire week of rest and relaxation. Six thirty AM comes way too quick.

Hope all is well with you. My life is blessed.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

On a Positive Note

Diesel is coping. The swelling is the same. Still no pain. I think he'll be ready for a ride in 2 weeks. His foot is continuing to heal slow and steady.

Becca lunged today for 45 minutes with a great attitude the entire time. She looked great and even cantered a few times around. She looked sound. First time sound at a canter. I sat on her at a walk for 5 minutes of her cool down. Nothing better than sitting on a good horse. She is one wide horse. Completely sound bareback at a walk. I didn't push it. Felt good. What really felt good is getting on that gal bareback in a halter for the first time since the fall. She was not near as responsive as I expect her to be. Next time I will definitely ride with a bridle. Saddles are all too narrow. Love that gal.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Good Grief

Now what? Well, I told you that Diesel is allergic to tick bites. Guess where he got one today? I found the bite mark but no tick. That can't be comfortable. I hope he can urinate. He didn't look like he was in pain and didn't kick when I examined him. Just fluid. Poor guy.

I swear I cannot go anywhere. I visited my cousin this afternoon. I was gone 7 hours. I returned home to find diarrhea on my floor and a big pee spot on the couch. That's the second time this week. I think the couch is trash. Then I found Diesel's problem. It's late. I'm tired. My scrubbed floor still stinks. What else?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Moment of Truth

Just how obese is Bec? Very.

Almost no feed and the pasture is mostly weeds- very little grass. Hour and a half of exercise a week...and working up to more. This obviously did not happen overnight. It began after my broken arm. Then, her fall in March. She was not this fat when I bought her. Back then she got no exercise. Insulin resistant? Thyroid issues? Dunno. Vet wants me to work on the exercise before more action is taken. She is NOT pregnant.

And for reference...

Diesel has such a little butt for such a big QH.

And since we are having a picture show. Here is Priss. She always has this cranky look on her face. She doesn't really mean it. But, look at that bootie. So beautiful.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Diesel's Lazy Boy Excuse

Diesel continues to have issues. He likes it. It means no work. No work to a lazy horse = holiday.

So, our biggest issue is the foot. The big, orange dork learned to stand on the fence to pull it down so he could eat on the other side. Itty bitty slip up means slice through the coronary band and we have major issues. We now have an electrified fence inside the fence. Problem solved. Foot healing slowly.

Next issue is the ticks. I use several products to prevent tick infestation. This is what happens when the Big Boy gets a tick bite.

He's allergic. Note the swelling in the vein radiating out from the palm sized swollen area. First time this happened I was very distraught. The swelling goes down in a few days. Still scary.

Today there was no horse work. I spent the entire day shopping for back to school clothes. Great sales. Supercool new stuff.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Meet the Meow

The 2 new cats have an appointment next week for the chop, chop. That makes them officially mine. And, I borrowed a camera and have new pics to share. So, meet the crew.

Pumpkin- who comes in the house for a few minutes a day but would rather not. Not a mean bone in her body. Unless you are a little furry creature that is good to eat.

Buddy- used to be untrusing and mean but has settled down and now sits in your lap. Tough cat who has broken a leg and had his ear almost torn off several times. Sticks close to home these days.

Blue- the loudmouth who is definitely a people cat. He hollers when he wants something. Which is alot. Blue snuggles daily but did not like his one inside experience. We're gonna work on that. Blue has blue eyes (that are cross-eyed!). And his tongue is too long for his mouth. Can you say inbred?
?????- She is shy and tough and secretly likes attention. Great mouser. Every evening I convince her I am her friend and she trips me to keep me from going in. The next time I have to convince her again that I am friend. Very petite little thing.


Friday, August 8, 2008

Catch of the Day

I am up to lunging Bec for 20 minutes every other day. She does not break a sweat but does warm up pretty good. Why only every other day, then? Well, maybe the following will answer that.

The fishing is good. This is what we caught this morning. We have a cooler full tonight, too. Yesterday was just as successful. I've been busy getting my fishin' in. Just one more week before school starts. Where did the summer go?

One thing is for sure. I had way too many days with multiple lame horses. Diesel's foot is healing slowly. Otherwise, he is good to go. Maybe next month I will be able to ride. So depressing.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Motor Running

Get your motor running.....

I got everyone's motor running today. Everyone meaning all four cats. Man....four. Pumpkin always loves attention. Nothing new there. But, Buddy- that is what is amazing. Bud sat in my lap until I could sit no more. He purred and hugged and incredibly....relaxed. Buddy may sound like the name of a pretty cool cat. He got it from me saying, "Look here, Buddy! You better be nice or I'll kick your bootie.". Or something like that. He has a reputation for turning on you and biting and scratching leaving ample blood trails. He has been a very good boy lately. Only took 2.5 years. Pumpkin and Buddy are best friends (old lovers before the chop chop). They live on my front porch.

Blue and his unnamed lady friend live near the horse barn. These are my newbies. I call them mine but they chose me so I guess I am theirs :) Blue is a talker who loves his attention. His lady friend is shy. And that is an understatement. Today she tried to trip me while I was heading back to the house. Wanted more of the luvin'. Course, 10 minutes later she acted like I was a stranger and made me sweet talk her again into being my friend. Then, how dare I leave? I like her. I am trying to decide if I can afford them or if I need to take them to the shelter. Since Lady Friend is warming up I need to make the decision soon. That was the goal. Make her nice enough to be adoptable. It will be hard. Note how she went from lady friend to Lady Friend. I just can't guarantee a good home unless they stay with me. Why don't people fix their animals?

Another motor got running today, too. Becca. She came running up for dinner with a few bucks thrown in. If she can do that, she can walk-trot in the round pen. She looked good. I lightly cantered her in both directions. She was not lame, just a bit stiff to the right. Normal. I don't dare call her healed as she still shows swelling just behind her withers. However, she will not be sound until I get the weight off. Gotta start somewhere. I would love to ride her bareback in the round pen but it is still too soon to add weight. The good new is that we are working on her chunky monkeyness. I am such a bad mom to let her get so fat. She still is only fed her handful of grain a day plus what she picks up from the dribble of the others (more than her portion!). Stays fat on air. I'd feed her no grain except I need her to come up at night to check her for boo boos. The pasture only has nub ums of grass. All 3 goofballs prefer to go out to eat than eat nice hay in the barn. It takes 3 days to finish 1 flake. Crazy.

Prissy also ran up bucking and kicking. She was not lame on that front, right leg. I'll give her a few more days to be sure but am glad to have a sound horse to ride. 'Bout time.

Nothing much else exciting going on. Stinky dog has been at it again. Her butt is on double time with the funk. I expressed her yesterday after she expressed twice. And today, she left a big, stinky butt goo stain on the couch. How gross? Dad tried to put her out with the trash. No one needs a dog that stinky. But, I love her. She stays. My life is blessed.
Good end.
Bad end.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Long day...went to Angleton to choose every color in and out of my house. I went with all neutrals since I will never be able to change it. Very happy with my choices. Six months from now I will invite everyone to see it all.

Just got in. Diesel's swelling has changed but not gotten worse. It has spread out and is not as "tight". I will keep a close eye on it. He continues to get hydro-ed and mineral iced. I expect it to slowly return to normal.

A big thank you to my dad for traipsing out into the pasture at lunch to check on the boy. Proof that he really does like the big boy. Busted.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Geez...Gimme a break

Now what? My horses....Diesel...cough, cough.... officially have an electric fence inside of their fence to keep them from getting tangled in it. Hope to solve injury problems. So what else could go wrong?

First off, the mosquitos are insanely bad. The horses are covered in them. I have sprayed and rubbed them down with the best I have and have sprayed the barn. Needless to say, they are all lumpy from the bites.

Secondly, I went out this evening to find Diesel with a palm sized lump on his neck that was not only swollen but extended into a small vein running down his neck. It was raised almost 1/2 inch. Coincidentally, I removed a tick from this area yesterday. Not good.

I gave him 2 gm bute and hydro-ed the area for 15 minutes. I also put mineral ice on it to help reduce swelling. I will get up extra early tomorrow to check on him. If it is worse I will call the vet. Stay tuned. Drama galore.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

3 Down

None to go.

I've done it. I've upset the balance of the universe. I have 3 lame horses. I think Priss bruised her hoof. Lame at a walk. Bec is (I think) making very slow progress. Diesel's foot is healing. Still very bad but there is definite tissue healing.

Dang it all. It is summer and the time to ride off into the sunset. And I have no horse to ride. Just my luck.

Property update: My very best former student showed up today to drill my water well. Great kid. And I mean special- kind, quick-witted, observant, hard working. Mature beyond his years. Lord, help the girls when they figure this out. I'm pretty sure it's still a secret. His time will come. Tomorrow I should have a complete barn and water well- just no electricity to run it. Patience. My life is blessed.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


AKA Sucker.

I currently am the proud mama of 3 horses, 3 dogs, 2 turtles, and 4 cats. Yep. Four. How did that happen? I had 2 last week. The answer is simple. I'm a sucker. Deep down in my heart I cannot resist feeding sad animals. Hence, there is graffiti on water hydrants everywhere. For a good meal, call Devra. One mile down and on the right.

Months ago I scared a little black cat hiding in the storage barn. It climbed the wall trying to escape. I saw it once more. Until last week. Now I see her morning and evening. The OTHER new cat is very friendly. He immediately sat in my lap and purred sweetly. His name is Blue. He's Siamese. Very cool cat. Convinced the black cat to be semi-friendly.

Now, I have two cats on the porch and two cats at the horse barn. The two crews tolerate each other. My dilemma? I cannot, CANNOT, afford two more cats. Boys are cheaper than girls and tend to be more affectionate. Do I keep the gorgeous, boy Siamese or the tender, shy, plain, black female? Blue would be much easier to place at the shelter. But, for the same reasons, I like him ALOT more.

I'd keep them both but I have just mortgaged myself to the hilt for the rest of my life. I need fence. I need curtains. I need food! (And, I secretly want to adopt a poor, old, nag of a horse to live out its days in my superhuge new pasture. Later. Much later.)

What to do? What to do? My life is blessed. Too blessed!!!!


Haha. Get it? His foot is dangling loose. Not so funny. Just wanted to post a quick update. Diesel is lame, lame, lame. And he wants everyone to know it. Only slightly lame when he thinks no one is looking. But, lame nonetheless.

The soaking bucket is now a horse-eating monster designed to inflict horrible pain. And Diesel may be a jumper someday in the far, far future when he is sound and fit. He can rear up and hop on two legs while I hold one front leg. Impressive. In slow motion. I think he is tired of all of the ouchies. Me, too.

Monday when Dad comes back we are going to put up an electric fence all of the way around the pasture so that this won't happen again. Dad is not happy about this. We are way too busy with the new property to be fixing up the old one. But we have to survive until at least Christmas. When I say "we", I mean Diesel. He's the only one that climbs fences. Crazy boy.

On a pleasant note, I should have a completed barn at the new place by the end of next week. And a water well. But, no electricity to run the well. Can't have everything!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Why? Why, Why, Why? Diesel tried to slice his heel off again. AGAIN! This time it was deep. It cut through the coronary band but did not cut the heel off. Thank goodness. The horses are contained in field fence. As in the kind you use to prevent these kinds of injuries. Ha Ha. He keeps putting his foot through to eat over the fence and getting stuck. I have no idea where or what he is hurting himself on.

Why doesn't he learn? I have three horses with only the old nag sound to ride. Sorry Priss. The point in getting more horses was to give her a break. I better shut it before she gets hurt, too. Diesel has just barely healed from the last incident. It took forever to heal. Now it is worse.

I have got to get moved into the new place. I have to consider moving the horses before me. I hate to do that. There is no one there to check on them. And they trailer well. If anyone out there is getting any bright ideas about how to acquire a supercool, new horse...I suggest Diesel. He's pretty. And apparently accident prone :)

I do not have any pics of the wound. But, it is not as bad as some I have seen. It could be much worse. The question is...when is it going to happen? The big one is bound to happen. For now, I just look at my pretty, injury factory and hydro the heck out of his foot. Bleepidy Bleep.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Smarty Pants

I have not ridden in a few days...again. Lots going on. Prove it, right? Well, I have a road complete with culverts, a barn foundation that has been watered, a 1,000 ft. fence, and quite a few piles of brush that have been cleared. Impressive, huh? I'm dog tired. And the dogs are far from it. They are spending way too much time indoors.

I have been spending a few extra minutes each day in the pasture. I have a new friend. His name is Blue. He's a Siamese cat. Very friendly. Has tapeworms and ear mites, at the least. Treated for that today. If he sticks around he will be missing his man parts and may find himself living the good life indoors. Seriously cool cat. Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend who looks to be about his age and has the same face. Sister? Eek. I talked to her today and she may become friendly so she can find a new home somewhere else, minus her girl parts. We'll see. I first met her a few months ago in the barn- she climbed a wall to get away before my mind even registered that she was a cat and not the boogie monster hiding in the darkness. She is rarely seen. After that first day I did not see her for well over a month. This week she began lurking rather regularly. Blue is waiting for me day and night and screams when I go away. He sits in my lap and honors me with the opportunity to rub his tummy. He'd be stupid to leave, now. I'm a sucker for those blue eyes.

What Smarty Pants are we talking about above? Diesel, of course. I'm getting there. Diesel is a very attentive horse. He watches cars go by. He listens to the neighbors. He jumps to attention for the train that is a mile away. I'm not saying he spooks, he is curious. He pays attention to detail. He not only has a mischevious look at all times, but the brain to go with it. He finds trouble everywhere. He moves the ground poles, he dumps the mounting block, he eats any lead rope within reach. The crazy boy had a foot of lead rope in his mouth the other day when I realized what was going on. He actually turned his body to hide what he was doing. I pulled out the moist, warm lead to find quite a few edges frayed. And it was Prissy's lead! They were cooling off after our ride and Priss kept pinning her ears. I went to check it out and found the goofball sucking on her lead rope. He also eats trees. Hackberry, to be specific. They are trimmed up very high but he stands up and stretches to eat them.

Diesel is very jealous that I am spending time with the cat. He leans over the fence and lays on the charm. Ears perked, head bobs. He has sniffed Blue several times up close. The cat allows it but gives him a look that says, "Do what you must and go away". Wow, what that must seem like to such a small animal? Sometimes I'm in awe of Diesel's size. And Blue is not a very big kitty.

Not all horses think things through the way my boy does. You can see the wheels turning. He is smart and he knows it. Do you know any animals like that? Prissy is smart but is not affectionate. She doesn't seek the attention and so her intelligence is not so obvious. I definitely have a character on hand with the Big Orange Beast around. It makes me kinda proud to have such a unique animal. My life is blessed.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yee Haw

The boy is back! Lazy bum. Slight issues with tying but with the help of my "other bud", Haley, he settled down nicely. "What? I'm not supposed to be afraid of lead ropes? Ok."

So....I rode him Western. And, Haley discovered that he neck reins. Not perfect but he does it. Go figure. How did I ride him yet Haley discover the neck rein thing? We trade. Musical horses.

Back to the Western thing...interesting, but not for me. I don't get it. My body doesn't get it. My seat is horrid. I ride it like a long- legged english seat. Can't....sit....back....ugh. Gimme my english tack, any day. I still had the mystery nerves tonight. Coming from nowhere. Maybe not exactly nowhere. Thinking back to yesterday when he was 20 feet in the air.

This horse needs miles. And a slightly more confident rider. He's not feeding off of my insecurity very much. And, that will go away with just a bit of riding. He stands still for me as long as I want. He stays relaxed. And, he's a character. He likes people. He likes riding. And he's hot. A hottie, hot, hot, hot. And the best thing about him...he snuggles and loves it. My life is blessed.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today I squeezed in some ride time between working at school and shredding the pasture. So disappointing. Diesel was a fruitcake on the ground. Spooked tied in the barn. Spooked while tying up after a shower to remove crusty sweat. He had that look in his eye. So we lunged. And he bucked and farted and bucked and farted. Never did relax. We did not ride. Seemed like a stupid idea.

Prissy was pissy. And she had rubbed the fly sores on her belly completely raw. Luckily, the girth fits just in between the spots. But, she was still a little witch, unrelated to belly. Grunting, head up, fighting the bit, more grunting. Go, go, go, go. This horse is 22? shoulda seen her at 9! Hot potato.

So, me and my other un-named bud shared Prissy. She was instructor, I was the lesson kid. Then, she rode. I wasn't a very good instructor. Damn, I need lessons. Bad. And a decent arena.

For cool-down I jumped on Bec bareback. She's too fat for the saddle. And she is still sore. No riding for Bec. She's not obviously lame, just slightly off under saddle (or under butt :). I love to sit on that mare. We fit. Regardless, no riding.

I feel defeat. Tomorrow we try again. After work, after shredding, after marking trees to keep. Friday we remove the trees with the help of my new friend, Rick Shock, and his Bobcat. I pay Rick to be my's worth it. Friday I may also get the foundation poured for my barn. We'll see. Saturday we finish the fence. Sunday better be a day of rest. I may survive. Things are coming along.

I sit here with wrinkled brows. Can't stop the disappointment. We all have those days. I like to think that I made the right decision not to ride the boy. I like being able to say we've never had a bad ride. He was not himself. Period. Maybe that's part of the problem. Period. Both mares are coming out of heat. Plus, it was cool this afternoon. Showers close by. He was feeling good after days of horrible heat. Just excuses, though. He ought to be good every day. Today he was good at bucking. As we drove away after cooling down and putting up, Diesel was standing in place bucking in the pasture. Feeling good. Trying to get the mare's attention. Boys.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Not in the Market

I am so glad I am not in the market for a new horse. Have you seen what's out there? If you search for something within 150 miles of Port Lavaca, you are hard pressed to find even one horse worth checking out. Everything is from yearling to five-ish with no training. Lots of 'prospects'. And looks? Not so much.

So how do you find that one? I'm lucky. I have 3 of them. Each of my guys has secured a place with me for life. Prissy is sane, ultra-smooth, cute and does everything. Bec is a pleasantly smooth, responsive mount who is absolutely lovable. And, Diesel is a hottie who is steady with a laid-back personality.

I thoroughly enjoyed horse shopping last year. I've had my fix of it for a long time. There are ALOT of horses out there that would never work for me. And, I found that the ones who were classy/gorgeous were hot-headed psychos. Funny how that works. But I found him. With his silly personality and goofy antics, he still has a very bright head on him. With such a good mind and pretty body, who needs a man? I have a Diesel.

Diesel says, "Who me?".

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Filthy, Dirty

Why is it that a person can get so dirty while getting the horses clean? I have mud everywhere! But there are 3 lovely, clean, conditioned manes and tails out there. Diesel's mane sparkles. Stunning.

Everyone behaved wonderfully. Especially the boy. He not only let me spend a long time lathering and rinsing without so much as one fidget, he stood for another hour tied in the barn without taking a step. Usually, when he is tired of standing he digs to China. And I did the final brush-out on him last. Progress? One could only hope. So far, impatience is his only vice.

I didn't ride like I intended this morning but I did spend some quality time with everyone. Prissy wasn't too cranky. Amazing- she's in raging heat with horribly swollen boobies. That usually means she doesn't like her tail messed with. Or hugs :) Just leave her alone. Bec, too, has these horrible symptoms of the female body. But she is always a lady. Snuggle bunny. That girl has only kindness in her.

I may try to ride this evening. I have my western tack oiled and adjusted for Diesel. I had to dig out the old split reins because his neck is way too long for my braided, waxed cotton reins. We need to ride out on the turnrows to take away some boredom.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Then and Now

It is amazing how life has changed in the last 10 years. I can't say that I would want to go back. But, I must say that '97-'98 was a hell of a year.

College is beginning which means that I am full of excitement for what adulthood may bring. And I have no idea what is ahead of me. I never would have guessed. Major? Dunno. City to settle in? Dunno. What to do on a Friday night? Saturday night? Monday night? Go to the barn, of course! Prissy is in her prime. And what a prime it is! I have no clue what a great horse I have. I am in awe of other people's big, classy thoroughbreds that jump the moon. I just have a mutt. A little Appy QH. But she is built. And she is a dream to ride. She makes anyone look good. And she will do anything I ask her to do. Tries her heart out.

This mare takes care of me. And, it's a good thing, cuz I am afraid of nothing. Wow, have times changed. That was then.

And, this is now.

We're both a little more gray. We're both a little less fit. We're both a little more wise. We are both a little more careful. Today, this mare will cart around anyone, safely. She rarely bucks. Today I appreciate how lucky I am to have this little, Appy QH mutt. She will always be the one. She is that one great horse that I will always talk about. I wonder if most people ever find that kind of gem. Miss Priss is a once in a lifetime horse. It took alot of years and a few extra horses for me to realize that. My life is blessed.