Get your motor running.....
I got everyone's motor running today. Everyone meaning all four cats. Man....four. Pumpkin always loves attention. Nothing new there. But, Buddy- that is what is amazing. Bud sat in my lap until I could sit no more. He purred and hugged and incredibly....relaxed. Buddy may sound like the name of a pretty cool cat. He got it from me saying, "Look here, Buddy! You better be nice or I'll kick your bootie.". Or something like that. He has a reputation for turning on you and biting and scratching leaving ample blood trails. He has been a very good boy lately. Only took 2.5 years. Pumpkin and Buddy are best friends (old lovers before the chop chop). They live on my front porch.
Blue and his unnamed lady friend live near the horse barn. These are my newbies. I call them mine but they chose me so I guess I am theirs :) Blue is a talker who loves his attention. His lady friend is shy. And that is an understatement. Today she tried to trip me while I was heading back to the house. Wanted more of the luvin'. Course, 10 minutes later she acted like I was a stranger and made me sweet talk her again into being my friend. Then, how dare I leave? I like her. I am trying to decide if I can afford them or if I need to take them to the shelter. Since Lady Friend is warming up I need to make the decision soon. That was the goal. Make her nice enough to be adoptable. It will be hard. Note how she went from lady friend to Lady Friend. I just can't guarantee a good home unless they stay with me. Why don't people fix their animals?
Another motor got running today, too. Becca. She came running up for dinner with a few bucks thrown in. If she can do that, she can walk-trot in the round pen. She looked good. I lightly cantered her in both directions. She was not lame, just a bit stiff to the right. Normal. I don't dare call her healed as she still shows swelling just behind her withers. However, she will not be sound until I get the weight off. Gotta start somewhere. I would love to ride her bareback in the round pen but it is still too soon to add weight. The good new is that we are working on her chunky monkeyness. I am such a bad mom to let her get so fat. She still is only fed her handful of grain a day plus what she picks up from the dribble of the others (more than her portion!). Stays fat on air. I'd feed her no grain except I need her to come up at night to check her for boo boos. The pasture only has nub ums of grass. All 3 goofballs prefer to go out to eat than eat nice hay in the barn. It takes 3 days to finish 1 flake. Crazy.
Prissy also ran up bucking and kicking. She was not lame on that front, right leg. I'll give her a few more days to be sure but am glad to have a sound horse to ride. 'Bout time.
Nothing much else exciting going on. Stinky dog has been at it again. Her butt is on double time with the funk. I expressed her yesterday after she expressed twice. And today, she left a big, stinky butt goo stain on the couch. How gross? Dad tried to put her out with the trash. No one needs a dog that stinky. But, I love her. She stays. My life is blessed.
Good end.
Bad end.

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