Pumpkin- who comes in the house for a few minutes a day but would rather not. Not a mean bone in her body. Unless you are a little furry creature that is good to eat.
Buddy- used to be untrusing and mean but has settled down and now sits in your lap. Tough cat who has broken a leg and had his ear almost torn off several times. Sticks close to home these days.

Blue- the loudmouth who is definitely a people cat. He hollers when he wants something. Which is alot. Blue snuggles daily but did not like his one inside experience. We're gonna work on that. Blue has blue eyes (that are cross-eyed!). And his tongue is too long for his mouth. Can you say inbred?
?????- She is shy and tough and secretly likes attention. Great mouser. Every evening I convince her I am her friend and she trips me to keep me from going in. The next time I have to convince her again that I am friend. Very petite little thing.

1 comment:
I named her Emmie...if anyone cares :)
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