Friday, August 22, 2008

Start the Day Right

How do you start the day? The right way is to begin with a relaxed and prolonged horsie snuggle. It is amazing. If I am rushed to get my hugs and kisses, the day is hectic all day. If I take my time and savor the moment, the day goes great. Funny, huh?

How do you end the day? You can see this coming. Relaxed, extended horsie snuggle time. Recharges the soul. Corny, but true.

Moments with our creatures is vital for our health. Today, I had the opportunity to nap with Spooky in a tight hug. Just a few minutes, but it energized me. Too bad I have to work all weekend to get ready for school on Monday. Doesn't matter. All I need is hugs. My life is blessed.

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