Sunday, September 7, 2008

Still a Lady

Becca is confined to the round pen. I expect this to be a relatively long-term arrangement. She has lost a few inches of gas belly. It is the blubber layer that is of concern. She has eaten every blade of grass within reach. And now she is resigned to eating that nasty hay I left for her. Much of today she pouted and refused to eat.

Of course, she was undoubtedly tired from last night. The farmers burned the corn field behind the house and next to the pasture. I got home yesterday evening to find it burning with no one watching it. I kept an eye on it all night. It still smolders this evening. Thanks. Thanks alot. Who cares if we burn down the neighbor's house and horses? The fire is safely in the middle of the field, now, with no fuel to spread. Last night, it inched it's way toward my house...disturbingly close. I am all for controlled burns...just disc around the field, please. The horses were all on edge today. Rightfully so.

Bec is getting exercise every day. Lunging or light riding...bareback, of course. Fatty patty. She is acting like a lady despite her imprisonment. Gotta love that gal. She is too sweet to describe. And never pushy. She walks toward the gate when I enter or exit but never tries to get out. I love her responsiveness. Touch her and she gives. When riding, a little leg has her sidepassing nicely- bareback in a halter.

I know. I can't afford to get crunched. She is solid. She is responsive. She is not crabby or jumpy. Even when the tractors and combines go by and the other horses are running around. She doesn't miss a step or change her pace. She's a great horse. Except for the constant weight issues and the sore back. She is fine walk, trot. Even with the weight of a rider. I never work her hard when I ride. She is not ready for that. Mostly walk. Lunging is different.

How could such a fit horse be so fat? Lunging, she hardly breaks a sweat. It is 80- 85 degrees in the evening. She doesn't even breathe hard. 5 minutes walk, 20 minutes trot, 5 minutes canter, 10 minutes trot, 5-10 minutes walk- changing direction to work each direction evenly. That's quite a workout. And yet, no weight loss. Just lots of farting :)

Gotta stick with it. Poor gal is lonely. I may have to let her out to graze with her buds a bit in the evenings. She has never been a problem to catch, even after confinement. We'll see. Still too much grass in the pasture to let her out for long. Diesel is hanging out near her and grooming over the top of the round pen. She's not completely alone. Not bad for two horses that used to hate each other. She rarely pins her ears at him and shows her teeth. Not true love, but friends, maybe.

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