Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Latest

Scruffy ran after a lady last Saturday night. Just ran off. I found him Sunday unable to walk with puncture wounds all over his front legs. He is healing nicely. Most were just direct punctures. One spot has an ugly rip but is healing without infection. He let me clean the wound sites without a complaint.

Scruffy has had his first vet appointment. He is strongly heartworm positive. The vet recommends giving him some time to settle and learn the routine before we treat. He's a very active dog and must stay confined after treatment. We'll schedule something after the first of the year. His snip, snip is scheduled for this Tuesday. Don't tell. It's a secret. He's really beginning to like it here and I wouldn't want him to change his mind :)

And now for the biggest news. Becca, the Queen of All Chunky Monkies, has all of the symptoms of Equine Metabolic Syndrome. The diet and exercise has not been successful. She has lost gas but not real weight. She is limited most of the day to the round pen. Grass is in short supply due to drought. She is on Low-Carb feed. We exercise 4-5 times a week.

Now we exercise 30 minutes a day. Last night, I tried lunging in the dark. It was a good night to start- nearly full moon. She was disturbed a bit at first but settled down and cued well after a few minutes. It is very important that I can lunge at night since I don't get home until near dark most days. I really needed one more thing to do every day.

The house has forms with plumbing and rebar ready to pour concrete. The house is going to progress very fast, now. It is a good thing. I check on the place after work every day. Then, I come home and walk Scruffy on a leash. Lunge and feed or feed and lunge- depending on how late it is. After dark, I come in and finish work for the paying job. And after that, I work on the online course I am taking for GT certification. Usually, I get up with animals twice a night. It is no wonder that I slept most of today instead of working on the class. I hope things settle down soon. I'm too tired to ride. I'm too tired to socialize. But, I do have a wonderfully blessed life. I try to post regularly but it has been difficult. Until next time....

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