Saturday, October 4, 2008

Where's Devra?

She's staying busy. The house construction started this week. In the meantime, grass needed to be mowed. Curtains needed to be hung...strangers on the property. Brush piles needed burning, weeds needed spraying, concrete chunks moved. My parents have been here for over a week. They have been working like dogs every day while I go to work.

Speaking of work....I've been doing alot of that, too. Things just haven't been normal since Ike. And I'm taking an online course. I did manage to squeeze in a fishing trip. Had a blast.

Becca is still on grass restrictions. She is much happier, though. She spends nights in the round pen but does get out during the day. I have jumped on her bareback a few times to exercise her. She is doing quite well. Still hurts to extend her front legs out much. No canter. Priss is cranky- from the mosquitoes or the arthritis, I don't know. Could be either. Diesel scraped his leg. Minor scrape all the way down one leg. On what, I have no idea. He can hurt himself on nothing. He's still lame on that hoof that he sliced way back when. Some improvement, though. It's not like I have time to ride. Just groom and spray them down with the skeeter repellent. I get plenty of hugs. That will never be scarce.

Now for the big news. Two months ago someone dumped a dog nearby. He has been running with the other dumpees that live two doors down. My neighbor has been feeding them leftovers. Last week, she broke down and bought flea meds and real dogfood. I cannot get involved without getting myself in trouble....

Mom caved. She no longer threatened my life if I took in Scruffy. She went so far as to tell me that I could consider keeping him if Bitsy were to pass away. A friend and I bathed him on Thursday. We had to do it in the bathtub so he wouldn't get chills. And then we had to wait for him to dry. And then, he liked the house so well he spent the night. He's housebroken. Someone loved him, just not enough to keep him.

Friday, he was nowhere to be found. He was all Dad talked about. Where's that Scruffy dog? He's such a good dog. I was very concerned. After I went to bed Spooky started barking. Scruffy was outside. He spent the night again. Today, Mom told her sister that I got a new dog. The neighbors are paying for all of his start-up costs. All I have to do is agree. He's going in next week for his preliminary work. Snip, snip to come. The other dogs like him. They all share the bed. They play around in the house. I can't pass this one up. Bitsy is doing fine. I can't believe that I have 4 dogs. In the house. The inn is full. Four dogs, four cats, three horses, and two turtles. I have surpassed the crazy animal lady designation. I'm nuts. He's a neat dog. The name stuck. Gretchen is no longer the scruffy dog. He's got her beat.
Meet Scruffy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another dog!! Sigh... well at least you aren't the crazy cat lady and well truth be told that is the cutest dog!! I missed reading this. I figured you were busy though. So happy house is going up :-)