Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Well Broke

She's got me trained. Very well broke. With a nicker I fetch carrots and handfuls of grain, flakes of hay, the curry. She waits patiently until her friends have left the barn and puts on her cutest face and I melt. Anything for Prissy.

She herself is well broke. I could ride her in my sleep. I never have to ask twice or get rough. She knows what I want and she does it. This mare is priceless. She is also lame again. Continues to pull something in her right fore slugging through the mud. I am positive it is not her feet. They are cleaned and probed daily. I have the dirt to move in as soon as it dries. In the meantime, the days are cold and wet making her arthritic body protest. Plenty of time spent in the barn perfecting her treat requests. Yep, she's got me trained. My life is blessed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

True Love

I read Beyond the Homestretch this week. It is a great story. It makes me want to go out and buy Rumba, the adorable bay Thoroughbred from Retama. He is a hottie, draws attention. The thing is, I have a beautiful TB right here already. Bec is an Appendix but is extremely thoroughbred-y. I am in love with her. There is no room for anyone else.

Becca is the most affectionate, kind horse I've ever known. She loves on you in her way and lets you love on her in the human way (with hugs). But, I always end up a little bit wet. She likes to make out. Arms work fine but she'd rather suck on your neck or hair. And when she's done she will groom you ever so gently with her teeth. It feels great.

This is where you call me ignorant and crazy. If you knew her, you'd understand. She loves everyone. She would never intentionally hurt you. And she is so gentle. Would I let Diesel do that? Heck, no. He is not even allowed to put his mouth near my body; not even his muzzle. He is a different beast.

Becca is most beautiful on the inside. She has a face that is refined and feminine. She is a perfect bay. And she is kind to a fault. Poor girl gets run out into the rain on a regular basis. Herd dynamics are tough. But not her. I love her. My life is blessed.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fuzzy Wuzzy

...was a bear. The girls are fluffy. A good butt smack brings a cloud of dust. They need a haircut, too. Not gonna happen. It's that time of year.

As usual, the boy is relatively slick. And don't think he'll keep a blanket on. Prissy spends her mornings in the barn with her protected butt to the north. Her old bones move slow. Of course, by evening she is raring to go.

You should have heard the thunder this evening. The three amigos came running in at break-neck speeds for dinner. I had to make them slow down and breathe before feeding. Makes me wish I had not been sick during the ENTIRE thanksgiving break and been able to ride.

I am taking a break from the boys. I vow to ride even if for only a few minutes in the evening. Crazy sun doesn't stay up long enough. And Prissy will not live forever. A tragedy. My life is blessed.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pinch Me

Sometimes the best horsey time is spent on the ground. This morning I brushed everybody. They lower their heads and breathe deep, horsey language for I love you. Becca was so appreciative that she groomed me. She got just the right spot. She gently pinched my arm that she so kindly broke a few years ago. It was like a deep muscle massage. Still feels good. Go figure. My life is blessed.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ride On

Walk-Trot-Canter-GALLOP ride. Haven't done that in forever. What fun! Prissy is a blast. Mostly we W-T. Feels good to get out there again. And she loosened up well. Old Lady, my butt. Had to hold her back the entire ride. No ill effects this evening, either. Riding keeps you young. Horse and rider. I just couldn't resist letting her go. She wanted it so bad. She's so good, though. I asked her to slow and she responded immediately. I feel I have to be careful with her age- 23 years young.

To top it all off, I rode Becca outside of the round pen. I stayed close to home but she did well. She got a bit nervous but did not misbehave. The saddle barely fit her. But, it worked. Thank goodness for XL gullets. The Bates actually fits her best. And she did not need a riser. Her body shape has changed with the EMS. I did have to use the larger girth, though. She was one big fart the whole ride. Literally, not figuratively. Poor, beautiful girl is a gas bomb.

Now, I just wish I had a bigger western saddle or a smaller butt. Which is easier to get? Dunno.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Simple Life

I stand by my statement....A ride doesn't cure a broken heart. However, two rides does. I guess it wasn't as broken as I thought. My brain says good riddance. My heart feels light again. Who'd have thought it was so simple?

Bec did fantastic considering I haven't been on her in months. She was a little strong but came back with just a bit of pressure. She has a fantastic stop. And she's a beauty. Not necessary but it sure helps. Find the hottie in everyone in your life. Bec has a great face. Diesel has a gread bod. Priss has a great mind and hot spots. I have great legs. It's simple. Find the beauty.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Just One

One crowhop, that is. Not so bad. Prissy is so funny. Bec cut her off and she had nowhere to go but up. We had fun. W-T-C around the place. No cracks, just mosquitos. Made 3 laps. The only one sweaty at the end was Diesel. We left him in the round pen. Boy does not like his ladies leaving him. But boy kicks. Gotta leave him at home.

I need a bigger western saddle. Not gonna happen. I'm more likely to get skinnier. Scary.

A ride doesn't cure a broken heart but it sure helps. Thank goodness for horses. My life is blessed.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ups and Downs

Life wouldn't be normal if things weren't going crazy. Last week brought good and bad.

I started the week on Sunday with a migraine that would last 3 days. Tough stuff. Monday there was another freak attack. Now, you'd be a fool not to see it coming. Two dogs who were once best friends and they cannot even go out in the yard to pee together. There were 4 punctures in her neck before they could be separated. No one saw it begin. One could wonder if Scruff started it when he got excited about the lawnmower. Crazy dog likes to chase it. Of course, no one saw it, we'll never know. Spooky is dangerous. By Wednesday there was infection. Thursday morning, first thing, the vet put a drain tube in. Drip, drip. It drives me crazy to see her in pain. It will be removed tomorrow, it's job done.

The thing about bad luck is it is always followed by good luck. I've had a taste of the good. We'll see if it lasts. I sure hope so.

The horses are doing fine. The cold fronts are pretty hard on Prissy. I imagine they will get harder. But, it continues to rain a little here and a little there. The cracks are filling in. Soon, we'll be complaining that it's too wet. Oh well. My life is blessed.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Got about 3 inches of rain this weekend. It is not enough but will help close those cracks. Dad brought HIS tracter back and we filled in some of the worst holes. I should have plenty of grass for winter. My neighbor had hay on the ground when the rain started. Lost most of it. Mixed blessings. The horses have plenty to eat. I've been seeing very little of them at the barn. Diesel has a snotty nose but is feeling alright otherwise. Always something. My life is blessed.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oldtimer Moments

Priss is finally acting normal. One day last week she refused to move or eat breakfast. She wasn't hanging with the herd. And, she spent alot of time napping in the barn. I'm very relieved that she is back to her normal grumpy self.

Today she hurt herself. Both her left legs are stocked up. This, too, will pass. These animals drive me crazy!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Got Bit!!!!!!

Good news and bad news. Bad first- I got bit by something in the dark. My finger is swelling. I'm thinking spider. I hope!

Good news- The round pen is mowed and ready to use again. It is amazing how fast that grass grows! I lunged Diesel a bit and he was sound. Just a couple times around, walk-trot. He remembered his manners. I love that big, orange boy. I'm itchin' to ride Bec. Tomorrow is the day. After I mow and weed-eat the yard.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Things I Hate

Hate is a big thing. Powerful. I hate that Diesel is still lame. I hate that Bec is still lame. I hate weed eating. And snakes.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Bad news comes in threes. So they say. This week has been rough. I went to work on Tuesday to find all but one fish dead in the saltwater tank. I lost Snappy, who has been with me for about a year. He was one tough fish. Wednesday, we got news that Ron died. He was our new Chem teacher. Just eleven days in the classroom and now he's gone. So sad to lose the good ones. I came home that evening and only one dog came to the door. Scruff had gotten scared of the bad weather and hid in the bathroom. He somehow got the door closed and was stuck. He somehow LOCKED the door. And then he crapped himself and ran around in it. And damaged the sheetrock. In my new house. I've gotten very little sleep this week. He is panicky. Sedatives aren't doing much good. He is finallly relaxed this evening. Hope it lasts. Today, I get news that Rhonda shattered her arm. Bad news. And my grandfather has cancer. And Brian has a staph infection. Next week will have to be better. I got double dose of bad this week.

What does this have to do with the horses? They are my saving grace. A few hugs will cure anything. I haven't decided which is the best. Becca offers sweet, gentle snuggles. Diesel has the puppy dog hugs. And Priss has the love of a lifetime thing going for her. She may grunt and growl but her love is powerful. Combine all three and you have a cure all. My life is blessed.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So far I've gotten 1 inch. But, there are chances all week! Hooray! Only 35 more inches to go to get back to normal. Darn. Take what you can get with a smile :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

True Love

She blows me away. What a perfect animal. I've said it before. Prissy is special. There is something that sets her apart from every other animal I've ever known...and there have been some good ones! I have brown britches and a smile on my face. Bet you don't hear that very often. I am in love with her. There is no way to describe how wonderful she makes me feel. Sorry boys. She is the one.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Bugs are back!

Ticks and skeeters. Lovely.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hay for Horses!

I found hay!!!!! Big relief. Not that the ponies were worried. The dude took a midmorning nap up close to the house. He was not happy that I disturbed him. Check out that stretch.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


The big guy is lame, lame, lame on his left fore. Hard to tell what is wrong with so much going on. He tested great with the hoof testers. No tenderness. What is wrong with this horse? He's lame-O. Good thing he's a hottie. I guess I'll keep him around ;)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stupid Boys

Disappointment is the word of the day. I learned the boys-are-stupid lesson long ago. Sometimes, I guess a refresher is necessary. Seriously, they are all assholes with a good story to tell. I can see through this fairy tale.

I feel the same way about geldings. Diesel is a butthead. He's lazy. And tenderfooted. He really does not want to GO. I can't tell if he really is sore or if he is just not ready to work (repeat, butthead). Just further proof that they are all stupid boys.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Truth in Pictures

Isn't it funny how some people are show offs. So are some horses. Diesel had an audience while I lunged him this evening. He was perfect. Nice transitions, nice stops. Fully attentive. This is not unusual. I really do think he performs, though. He watched them while still giving me the attention I demand when we're working.

I also rode Bec bareback W-T. She is so much fun to ride. Not ready to head out of our comfort zone, yet. We got pics of Diesel and Bec. The camera really does not take actions shots well. This is why I am not posting my pics. Ha! I have piano hands and chair leg. The legs have always been my issue. The hands...I need a good slappin'. I have great hands. Until I quit riding regularly. Next week I am going to make some calls for lessons. I need help. I'm gonna work on it and take some more pics in the meantime.

On a side note: In the last 24 hours I have kayaked in Keller Creek and fished at Swan Lake, done yardwork, and had horsie\riding time. And, last but not least, I have spent some time getting to know someone I know but don't KNOW. How cool is that?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Not a big fan. At all. However, I got up early (for summertime- 6:30) after a late night just to show off my ponies. I got to see the sun low on the horizon and sit and enjoy the calm. I showed off the crew to someone who at minimum is interested because I am interested. It was nice.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Great Days

Isn't it great to have a day where everything goes perfect! Diesel is on! No tantrums after requests to speed up. Hopping quick 'ho'. All attention on me. He is so hot. If he were a man, I'd marry him. And that's saying ALOT. I am in love with his horsey self. Remember those days when he's spazin'. We've had 2 good ones in a row. And Bec has been great, as usual. Prissy has minimal swelling today. She will be back to normal in no time.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Scruff is past the worst of his treatment. He got his last Immiticide injection this morning. By 4 pm he was able to rest with no panting or intense back pain. He's up and about and eating but understandably, still weak. I'm glad the distress is gone.

Prissy's swelling is much reduced and the heat is gone. Thank goodness.

I took Diesel for a walk this afternoon. He behaved but was a bit nervous. We need to practice this more often. I then put him in the round pen. He was fired up. He immediately picked up a canter and flew and bucked. I let him work it out and then pushed him until he relaxed. He was 100% sound and stunning. He used his hind end beautifully. It didn't take long for him to figure out he had to listen to me if he wanted to slow down. Then we had a good 20 minute cool down. He enjoyed a nice bath afterwards and made no attempts to join his herd when released. He loves the attention. He will be almost as special as Prissy 15 years down the road. Knucklehead. I am reminded of the early days with my girl. She was a hot headed wench. Love her.

As for my teaching assignment woes...I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that I will be studying all things French very soon. Gah. What did I do to deserve this? I hate history, music, math, and chem. Hate it. And I will be living it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Big Families

I have a big family. I am single with no real kids. But, there are 9 mouths to feed and care for. There is always something wrong. This week has been rough. Prissy is still very stocked up. The swelling is going down in the knee but is spreading. She felt good enough after her hydro and linament to trot away. Crazy girl.

Scruffy had a rough day. He began his second round of heartworm treatment today. The first six hours were bad. He's sleeping, now. Last shot in the morning. I hate watching him in pain and feeling bad. He needs it.

I am resting well this summer. Recoup-ing. Getting ready for the next school year. I have been unable to relax the last few days. My superiors have seen fit to assign me to teach a class WAY outside my comfort zone. The class is completely bogus and until recently was an extracurricular activity. How did I get stuck with this? It requires after school practices and competitions away. Where will I find the time or energy? I am already committed. A decision will be made next week. Why don't they understand? I am alone here. I don't have a family to take care of so I must have plenty of spare time, right? But, that's the point. I have to do it all. There's no spouse, no extended family. What did I do for these guys to throw this at me?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pick 3

1) Priss heard that she was going to give a pony ride this week. She stuck her leg in a crack and wrenched it. Her knee is swollen and hot.

2) The earth opened up and swallowed Prissy. She tasted bad so she got spit out. Her knee is swollen and hot.

3) Priss ate a grapefruit but her tummy was full. So she is storing it in her knee until there is room.

Personally, I like #2. Love that cranky old bat.

My new 54" girth came in this morning. If fits Diesel wonderfully. I am excited, I can ride. Sort of. In a small area where I have scouted cracks. Maybe I should start watering the round pen again.

I don't know if it fits Becca. She saw me tack up the boy so she and Priss high-tailed it out of here. And I said Diesel was the smart one.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Most rides on Becca are good, if not great. Ever so often we have a bad one. I'm not saying she is misbehaving, just "off". Last night worked like that. We had a short, nonresponsive, kind of pissy ride. So I quit. I was feeling cranky, too. Not a good combo.

I feel like I'm wasting my summer. I only have one month left. I'm still waiting on a larger girth. Regardless, I have no good spot to ride. There is no flat area. The cracks in the ground could swallow a small child. Safety is a huge issue. Not to mention I have no one around if there were to be an accident. Shoot me. After all I've worked for I still am not there. I do have ideas about the arena placement. It is a huge job that requires more than just one person in triple digit heat. I have to be patient. It's hard to do. My horses are aging and not in training. I feel time passing me by. Just how long will I be able to enjoy the horses? I can't afford to keep waiting. I can't afford a new truck and trailer to haul the horses for lessons to who knows where. What am I thinking? Why am I way the heck down here with no horse people? Kick me. Hard.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dream Horse

Have you found it? We all have that ideal horse in mind. Few of us find it exactly. I did find mine. It's a funny story. I searched for a BIG horse with presence. You know what I'm talking about. Diesel is it. My neighbors introduce me as "the owner of that huge sorrel gelding". He is something to brag about. Though plain in color, he has a look that grabs your attention from a distance. And personality, ta boot.

But, is he my dream horse? No. Simple as that. Not because he is lazy and has a mild attitude. Not because he's not bay, my fav. He's not my dream horse because he is not Miss Priss. It took finding my dream horse to realize I already had it. Miss Priss is just a plain, little Quarter Horse with funny Appy color that people mistake for roan. She's unregistered. She moves like a pony. She does not have presence. She's under 15 hh. Crazy eyes. Pretty damn good conformation, though. She's held up well, considering. Tough little gal. Done it all.

Miss Priss IS my dream horse. Because she takes care of me. Because she is a very pleasant ride. Because she is safe. Because we have a bond that only time makes. She is special. Offer me a billion dollars for her. I'll laugh and tell you she's worth more. And I mean it. My life is blessed. I found my dream horse.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I am having a moment. I have a beautiful new place where my horses are safer than they have ever been. I can not justify EVER moving again. Building a barn and house and fence is just too much, especially for a single, not-so-handy person. What have I done?

1. There are NO english riders here. I found an ad online for lessons. Got excited. The "trainer" is in jr. high and cannot sit their horse at a walk- youtube is enlightening, as always.

2. There are no tack shops within 2 hours. I am wasting my summer waiting on a girth that fits and dealing with silly returns. Misjudgement on my part.

3. I cannot afford satellite because new house, barn, fence. I have no tv today because of the weather. I get 4 channels on a good day and one is radar....course you don't get signal if bad weather is within 20 miles. (Not horse related but I am on a roll, here.)

What to do....

1. Suck it up and do something.

2. Get out the western saddle in the meantime. You know it will work in a pinch.

3. Quit crying, you big baby. You made the decision to stay here, deal with it.

I feel better, now.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Summer is flying by. I'm still waiting for my new, larger girth. Diesel is still tenderfooted on his single contracted heel. How does that happen? The other 3 have corrected over the last 2 years. If we had good footing I don't think he would be sore. It is sooooo dry.

I've been on Becca bareback. She is a lady. I love riding her. She is my primary riding horse these days. Go figure. Still don't have the weight under control. Still can't ride with a saddle. Still won't ride her out without it.

I am almost finished reading the last of Laura Crum's McCarthy series. If you like to read, this is a great author. I found a couple of the ten books to be a little dark but overall, I'm hooked. Horse could it get better? I'm sorry to be at the end. How long until the next one? I feel the same way about Janet Evanovich. Another year to wait. Darn.

My guests are gone. I guess it is back to daily riding. Thank goodness. Love those guys. My life is blessed.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer Swamp A$$

It is hot. Really hot. I have been wet all day. Too hot to tack up. So I rode Bec bareback. Add sticky, sweaty, dirty horse to sticky, sweaty dirty person and you get the funk. I am kinda proud, though. I've ridden 5 out of the last 7 days. I am in love with ALL of my horses and with my life. Too cool.

Heat + Horse = SuperCrank

Today was farrier day. It is hot, humid, and calm. Not a good combo. Begin the morning with Prissy nailing Bec while she is tied. That is not playing fair. This has not happened in eons. Priss just doesn't pick on Bec. All 3 were fidgety and cranky for the farrier. Tug, tug, swish!

Everyone looks better. The dry weather is really hard on the feet. We are trimming every 5 weeks. Should have done them at 4. Crazy. Especially Prissy. I don't know if I should call her crank or crack.

FHOTD board suggests riding Diesel in a halter to see if head dropping, nose out is a tooth issue and if not, trying a different bit. Maybe he is sensitive from so much time off. We'll see. Later. It's too hot already. This evening will have a breeze. Sweltering hot right now. What a life?

Friday, June 26, 2009


As I sit inside enjoying the a/c in my pajamas I realize...there are only 2ChunkyMonkies. Me and Bec. Geez. I work really hard to slim her down. Special diet and daily exercise. Mostly, she's just gas-ey. As for me, I'm a pig. Oink, oink.

I tried a new recipe for artichokes today. Absolutely divine. Saute artichoke hearts in butter and garlic. Add salt, paprika, and lemon juice. Good stuff. Really good. Oink.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Just when I am letting my guard down....

I lunged Bec this evening. She has got a stop on her. Wow. What a sweet girl. She tries her hardest to make you happy. Such heart.

Then, I brought Diesel over. The cat was in the round pen. This is not unusual. But not running out when I fuss at her is very unusual. And Diesel was frozen in place where I left him at the gate. Red flags all over the place. Kitty was staring at the grass. Uh oh.

Sure enough, laying in the tall grass is a 4 ft. speckled king snake. What to do? I try to shoo it off with the lunge whip. No go. Do I kill it? They are not only harmless but will kill other snakes in their territory. And this is rattlesnake alley. So I left him alone. Diesel did not get lunged. I did not ride Bec. And it was cool this evening. Only 85 degrees. What a waste.

I sometimes wonder why I accept responsibility for so many animals. I am a dog person. Hands down. I still love the kitties. I spend a not-so-small fortune on Blue kitty for his allergies. But, do I really need this much to care for? Yep. Cats rock. Punk herded that snake all the way off the property. And she wandered into the sorghum field to make sure it stayed away. This is the second time this year a cat has warned me of a nearby snake. Repeat, cats rock!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Life

Bird nests with big, blue eggs, alligator gar, fiddler crabs, spoonbills, pelicans...This is the life. I enjoyed a peaceful, fun kayak trip this morning. I followed this with an afternoon nap that got out of hand. The five of us snuggled up under the fan. What a puppy/kitty pile! Pumkin took her nap in the living room.

I may take the day off from riding. I got my exercise already. I'm feeling a little sluggish. And my blister is still tender. It is hot. Tomorrow will be hotter. If this keeps up I will mildew before long. On the upside, hot ponies are lazy. The evenings are really not bad. My next ride will be Diesel. Need those boots comfortable. Or I could ride Bec bareback. Eek. Oh, the possibilities. Again, What a life!

Monday, June 22, 2009


I rode two days in a row! And I rode two horses today! Not so perfect rides.

I rode Diesel for less than 10 minutes at a walk. He is sound on the lunge. I felt him a tiny bit "off" at a trot under saddle. So we quit. He was very lazy and did not accept the bit at all. Too much time off. We start over. He was not bad. Just not responsive. But, like always, the boy has got a great "Ho".

I then rode Bec, again. Girth fit better today. Got it buckled on the first try. Ugh. It fit two holes higher than yesterday. Gas, be gone! She was not so perfect today. The others wandered away. She was nervous but not out of control. She didn't respond to leg near as well as yesterday. They can't all be perfect rides! It got dark on us before I was ready.

I managed to rub a blister on my heel after the first ride in the new boots. It was very sore today. I need to lay off the new boots for a few days. Maybe I'll ride Prissy bareback in sandals. Shhh. Don't tell. I promise to wear my helmet.

Today was horse day. The Boy hung out with me alot. Plenty of love. I pulled manes. Hosed twice. It was hot. Thank goodness we have a breeze. Of course, it blows in the skeeters. I use alot of fly spray. I've started mixing coat conditioner in with it. You should see the shine. They look great.

I'm loving the long days. It means I come in well after 9pm, soaking wet. By the time I get cleaned up and my hair dries it is very late. No worries, though. Summer = afternoon naps. Too hot to do anything that time of day, anyway. My life is blessed.

Aloof, Be Gone!

Becca has been reserved since we moved in February. She rarely seeks me out. After our ride yesterday I was afraid she'd avoid me even more. She let me halter her without a move in the other direction. She even sought me out after breakfast. Has she been holding a grudge? I remember why I love her. Wonderful, sweet mare. This evening she is going to get a haircut. Her mane has grown below her neck but is brittle with split ends. And it is thick and hot. We expect to reach 98 degrees this afternoon. Bless my wonderful A/C. First hose-down complete before lunch. Two half dirty horses. Why do they always roll? Priss has spots on her right side. Diesel has spots on his left side. They both rolled on only the left side. Get it?

Sunday, June 21, 2009


It has been some time since I checked in. This month has been packed full of activities. My neighbors threw me a "Welcome to Green Lake" bash and invited all of the neighbors. It was a stunning success. Crawfish are my new favorite food. *Gotta love living next to a crawfish farm.* Summer began 2 weeks ago. I've done work around the house that kept getting put off. I've done work out in the pasture. I've done fun stuff like paint the planter my mother restored as a house warming gift (Go Mom!). Scruff got heartworm treatment. Poor guy. He's handling it quite well. Very busy for not having to work.

Something I hadn't done was ride Bec. New place, old fears. Last week, I went to Houston for the dentist and stopped by the saddle shop. It was across town ;). I now have new Ariat field boots and breeches. I highly recommend the Kerrits Breathe Tights. Worth every penny and you are glued to the saddle without the restrictions of traditional full seats.

I have an excuse to ride. I'm pumped. Last night I lunged Diesel to feel him out before I ride. No go. Mildly lame. No swelling but definitely off. Priss deserves a break. Maybe next time. This morning I woke long before the alarm. I have a couple of hours to kill before heading to see dad and grandpa for Father's Day. I go out to feed. The need to ride is burning in me. So, I catch Bec while she is still engrossed in feed. She has learned that 25 acres is alot of room to evade me. She always gives up but it may take up to 10 minutes of calm persistence. I take her to the round pen and attempt to tack up. I am in my new get-up. Girth is too short. There is no way the saddle will work. I am not ready to give up. I head inside for the old, too small for my lard butt Blue Ribbon.

After alot of sweat and swearing I manage to squeeze her into it. Minus the riser pad that she needs. We gotta work on this. Regardless, we had a fabulous 15 minute walk-trot ride. I remember why I keep this tempermental, disordered mare. She has the greatest ride. Supple, responsive. She did great. We never left the round pen. Baby steps. The crazy thing is I had no nerves at all. It has been a year since I've ridden her. She is amazing. So it begins. Baby steps until I can ride her out on the property. We've done it before.

Diesel stood at the gate the entire ride and threw a fit. Pawing at the door, chewing on the panels. He's jealous that I wasn't riding him. It is clear on his face. His time is coming. Just as soon as he is sound we'll start with the same treatment Bec is getting. We are all going to get in a shape other than round. My life is blessed.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Choices can change your life forever. The older I get, the more aware I am of the risks associated with my actions. I have built a very comfortable life for myself. I cannot afford an accident.

Regardless, I got on Prissy last night- bareback, in a halter, helmetless. I rode her with the lead rope as a single rein- not looped. How exhilarating! She maneuvers solely off of seat and leg pressure. Aren't I proud. This is not the first ride like this. Back when boarded I regularly jumped on and rode her this way w-t-c with no problems.

This mare is special. Not spectacular but definitely a once-in-a-lifetime horse. I have 2 others to give her a break from riding. I never ask her to open up anymore. I never allow her to even if she wants to! Her will is stronger than her aging body. I still find myself riding her ALOT more than the others. At her worst misbehavior I am not nervous. Her worst misbehavior stems from wanting to go-go. At 23, she is still in pretty darn good shape. I want her to stay that way. Gotta love her grunting, growling, cranky, aloof, wonderful, willing self. She may not follow me around looking for love but she has a huge chunk of it. Hard not to play favorites. My life is blessed.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I spent the evening snuggling with Diesel. He hung around cuz he was hungry. I admit...I tricked him into hugs. He was just waiting for dinner. Nevertheless, we bonded. He is a character. It is more than a fluke, though. He loves his people. He hung around while I cleaned the water trough. Sniffed my butt while I scrubbed. Stood still for me to wash the mud out of his hair. So vain.

I spent the last few hours sitting in the shade soaking in the evening. I really have a nice place here. Yep, bragging just a little bit.

Missed a Spot

I am horrible at applying sunscreen. A few small, uneven spots on my legs are causing a great deal of pain. Cry like a baby. Can't wait to see how bad the tan lines are later. But, the kayak trip was fabulous.

How does this relate to 3ChunkyMonkies? I feel a need to ride despite no one being around. However, there is NO WAY I am putting on pants. Ain't happening.

I am ecstatic about boot shopping in a couple of weeks. I'm making a run to Houston and am gonna try on some field boots. So much fun. I have had them on the wish list for over 2 years. Zip back boots, of course. I have no one to pull dress boots off :)

I've decided to use my back yard as an arena. Not quite big enough but just as big as the old trainers covered arena. I rode my short-strided mare back then, though...not a behemoth. Should help with balance.

Becca has had another diet change. The grazing muzzle is not working well. She has worn a large hole in the mouthpiece and it is rubbing her face as well as causing a bump on her nose. She is now eating a bran mash with a few oats and a bit of oil. Hoping this will help improve her hoof growth. We'll see. So far, a week in, she still has excess gas. I miss riding my Bec.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ride 'Em Cowgirl

Hard to believe the last two rides have been western. I rode the fenceline this evening in search of the elusive ground. I have gone over that stupid electric fence 3 times now. Can't find the problem. I thought I had it tonight. Found it twisted around the permanent fence in one spot. That wasn't it. It's not the charger, not the ground ( I watered it), not the corner that busted. Tomorrow I'll get another look at it. The point is....I rode the fenceline on my trusty steed.

Priss is a saint. I love her. She is solid, confident, calm. I had a good ride. My butt hurts in weird places. Doesn't do that English. We only had one problem with our ride. Diesel. He was pushy and feeling good. He did not respect my space at all. I wanted to beat him. He crowds me when I ride someone else. At one point I was in position to whack him for getting too close...I held nothing back. Can't have a behemoth charging and kicking when I ride. Dangerous. And scary when the ground begins to shake before the freight train (Diesel, get it?) comes blasting past. The ground shakes...then the pooters begin. He stepped on ALOT of frogs :) I would be more mad if he wasn't having so much fun. I love for the horses to jump and stretch and frolic. Just not near me, thanks. After the ride, I lunged Diesel pretty hard. I asked nicely and if he kicked those legs out at me, I growled and pushed him forward until his attitude changed. Had to push twice. After cool off, he gave me his attention and respect. Little gals must behave, big boy will behave or I go squish. Not cool. He has his days. Saturday I was in love with him. He stood still for an hour waiting on the farrier. No hissy fits. Much respect. Saturday was good, today bad.

But Priss....Saturday good, Monday great. I love her. Worth a billion bucks. No lie. My life is blessed.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I love my house. It is a great neighborhood with kind people. But not everyone. Tonight my neighbors dog ran off. They went in search of him but could not find him. As the sun went down, we worried in the yard, thinking he must be having a grand ole time. He hobbled up in great pain. Someone shot him. Who shoots little Chihuahuas? He's obviously cared for, wears a collar. One of my neighbors shot him. He was rushed to the vet. I'm waiting to hear. It could have easily been my Scruff. Say a prayer for Julian. He's in bad shape.

And while I am emotional, might as well share this: My grandmother read this poem last year and sent it to me. We buried her last week.

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.
When you waken in the morning’s hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled light.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
So do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there. I did not die.

UPDATE: Julian did not make it. He survived surgery but the damage was too great. He had been shot twice. He had been kicked so hard his jaw was broken. What is wrong with people?

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I scream like a sissy. I have snakes. Coral snakes. Red on yellow....

Becca has retreated to the back of the pasture. She does not come to the front during daylight hours. Dodo. Friday, I began my walk to the back to check on my poor, muzzled mare. Not 20 steps in the pasture I came across a decent sized coral snake and retreated. I am afraid to go out there. I suspect I just haven't caught her drinking during the day. I did catch her making a beeline for the back yesterday. She must be drinking. She is not dehydrated. I caught her on the road late yesterday. Luckily, she does not flee when I head her way. I hate not getting my hands on her every day.

I had plenty of snuggle time this weekend with the other two. I will ride Priss out to check on Bec tomorrow, bareback- ugly bite on her back (Thanks, Diesel). She comes when called. Lovely beast. I had bonding time with Diesel, too. He's easy to love. Such a man, though. He likes to think he is master of the others. Bullies, a bit. Acts like a rambunctious gelding. Bundle of love.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a 4-wheeler to ride out back...or a riding lawnmower. Dream on, Devra. Regardless, my life is blessed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Short Relief

I am a bit of a high strung person. I look ahead and weigh situations. I rarely sleep fitfully. Is this relevant? Of course. I like Becca. I understand her. For all her silly fits and worries I do not think she is dangerous. She is horribly herd bound. But as she paces and hollers she pays attention. She thinks about where her feet are going. She never loses control enough to hurt herself. She respects space. Even in her most worried state she respects her handlers space. I love that about her. She knows where you are and she knows where she is. She may lean toward you for confidence. But, she never touches. She never pushes. And she gives to pressure immediately. She's sensitive- no matter if on the ground or under saddle.

Becca is low man on the totem pole. She needs others to tell her how to act. She has no confidence left to her own devices. Priss, on the other hand, is solid as a rock. She is tough and she knows it. Not so sensitive- on the ground or under saddle :) I'm not saying she doesn't know her manners. She is just different.

Becca poses a challenge. She has health issues- metabolic and accidental injury related. Pasture situations have caused recent concerns. Ideally she should have a pasture buddy like herself that requires minimal grazing to give her confidence and peace of mind. Realistically, I do NOT need another mouth to feed. And, my fences are not nearly complete enough. Patience. The horses are safe inside an electric fence with less than ideal perimeter fence (which they have no access to). That is my peace of mind.

Becca survived turnout for the last day in a grazing muzzle. I let her out of the round pen last night and left her muzzled until I got home today just as soon as I could. Good news. I feel short term relief. The odd looking torture device left no rub spots or blisters. Thank goodness. She does not fight it or try to remove it- even stands patiently with her head down in acceptance while putting it on. I brought her in to the round pen this evening for 4 hours. She paced and hollered. I call it her evening exercise. Get that metabolism going. And then I let her out again. She calmly led back to the pasture and rejoined her buds. I hope this works out. I can't wait for the day I come home and she's not wearing it. Twenty acres makes for a tough hide-and-go-seek. I have several back-up safety snaps just in case.

Before bringing her in this evening I led her over to Priss for a quick "checkover". They immediately began grooming each other. What a sight! Becca couldn't figure out how to massage through the muzzle. She gave up and let me do her job for her. Both were reluctant to part. For all her crabiness, Priss really does love Bec. I just really wish Bec was in better health. She's a beautiful beast. One of these days I'm going to jump on bareback for a bit. Or so I say. My life is blessed.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mad Neighbors

I've already done it. Made 'em mad. Wouldn't even wave to me. I opened up 20 acres for the horses. They'd eaten the 5 they were in down to nothing. Becca cannot have that much grass. I tried the muzzle the first day. It rubbed her sweet little nose raw. So I locked her in the round pen last night. She hollered all night long. That won't work. We all need sleep.

She's back in the muzzle tonight. I'll check her in the morning. What am I going to do with her? I don't want her to founder or get laminitis. I don't want her pancreas to completely shut down. I can't keep her locked up alone. The others can't be locked up with her. I really hope I can make the muzzle work. At least she doesn't fight it. Time will tell. Back to the 30 minute workouts. Joy. Can't wait to try to catch her every day in 20 acres. I suspect she will figure this out. Tomorrow we'll begin with a 10 minute exercise. Who knows? Maybe I'll ride her.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fear and Friends

I heard the awful screaming again. Both cats were at the door. Both spent the night in the house. This never happens. They are afraid, also.

I have left a trail of horsey friends all across Texas. It always hurts most to say goodbye to the people who share the love of horses. Now it is my turn. My horsie friend is moving away. I will miss the companionship. I will miss her talent. I don't put just anyone on my horses. It is a safety issue as well as a training issue. Diesel and Becca can both be alot of horse.

I moved to Port Lavaca for the fishing and the beach. I stayed for the people I met here. This is a wonderful town. I've made it my home. Forever. I madly miss horse people, though. I have met no one that rides English. I have not heard of a single trainer (as in train me, trainer), let alone a good one. I miss having an arena. Even more, I miss having an arena with other riders. Camaraderie. I miss it terribly. I've said this before. I still feel it. And now, my riding buddy is moving. My only riding buddy. Damn. Double damn.

On the upside, I had another good ride today. Riding Buddy rode Diesel and had a great ride. It was a good day. I like those. It makes me want to ride more. Once a week is not enough. My ride on Prissy was comfortable. She's worth a million bucks. No lie. Nothing but years can create a bond so strong. There will never be another like her. There will be others that are great. But, Miss Priss is the love of my life. That sounds weird. I feel it deep down. This is it. Savor every moment. My life is blessed.

Friday, March 27, 2009


I have 3 horses, 2 dogs, 2 turtles, and 2 cats. I think. Emmie has been AWOL since last weekend. I heard cats screaming last week. Now she is gone. I fear she has been run off by the bigger, meaner kitties. I fear I have a bobcat. I fear she has met an early end. She had not left the vicinity since moving here.

Last night, I heard screaming and went out to scream at Pumpkin. I found Blue at the door wanting in really bad and Punk in the back yard sitting peacefully. No mad cats. No strange cats. No Emmie. My thought then was bobcat. Who knows?

Emmie is a plain, black cat. She is aloof, shy. She does not seek out human attention. I am the only person that can touch her. This is a nice way of saying wild. Crazy wild. Out of 10 pets, she is the least committed. I wish I knew what happened. I have this feeling that she is gone. I hope she felt unwanted by the other cats and went next door. I hope she comes home. She left for days at the old house. She just never left here. I still have hope. I go outside a dozen times a day hoping to see her. And every time I come back with renewed sadness. She's just a wild cat. I miss her terribly. How do we get so attached? I have 10...or 9 pets. How does it hurt so bad for every one? If she is gone I would like to bury her and plant something. Just to know what happened...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Second First

I survived my second first ride in a new place. Diesel was L- A- Z- Y. I actually had to dig in to keep him in a trot. However, I asked for a canter on his weak lead and he picked it up immediately and stayed steady. Nice, but I don't like that I had to fight for a straight line. Also, he evaded the bit the entire ride. Dodo. Overall, a good first ride in a new home and first ride in almost a year. Who'd have thought 25 minutes would leave me so sore. Must ride more. I wish the wind would cooperate. It is howling. So bad I gave up on watering my new grass. It never hit the ground. Crazy.

I rigged a new set of reins for him. He is so big my standard reins are not quite long enough. So I laced together an old set of split reins and I'm gonna rough it. Functional if not pretty. I can't wait to try them out. We'll see. I hate riding in the wind. And tonight I wouldn't dare to ride. Talk about fruit loops. They spun out of the barn half a dozen times just cuz. Running, bucking, silly. It's a sign even I can't ignore!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Birthday Season

Diesel turned 8 last week. How come he doesn't act 8? He is a goofball. You should have seen him earlier. It is cold and rainy and he was not happy about being wet. He was pawing and shaking his head. Most of all, he didn't want to be alone. Hollering like a fool. His ladies were out grazing and were completely ignoring him. The more they ignored, the more he bounced around. Eventually, the rain picked up and they returned to the barn. He was happy as a lark. As if they came back for him. What a fool that boy is. Gotta love him.

Becca turns 16 next month. Priss will be 23 in May. And my 8 year old thinks they are his own personal harem. Ha! They've been around the block too many times for that. I love my crew.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chunky Monkey!

Chunky Monkey! Chunky Monkey! Monkey! Monkey! Monkey! Chunky Monkey!

Can't you just hear my excitement? Becca is a cow. An itchy, furry, fatty patty cow.

She has really not been herself since the move. She's been aloof. Flighty. She really doesn't handle change well. Tonight I got some Becca love. This comes in the form of a hug and wet kisses. For the first time since we moved here she snuggled. I am so glad to have my girl back.

Soon we will have green grass. This is bad for the Bec. This means restricted turnout and a grazing muzzle. She is not going to be a happy camper. In the meantime she munches on old, dry grass just outside my window. How lucky am I? My life is blessed.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm in LOVE

Diesel is such a gorgeous creature. He knows it. He demands attention when he moves. I can't wait to work with him some more. He is just plain fun. I hope to ride Sunday. Who knows what the wind will be like? I'm ready for a nice, calm day. One can only dream.

Scruffy is breaking records every day. I am so proud. Of course, he destroyed a roll of paper towels today. But no spots on the floor. Go Scruffy!

I wonder what my horsie friends are up to. Ana, Haley, Margaret. I hope your life is full of fantastic equines. My life is blessed.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Secret Weapon

Scruffy has been 3 days without an accident. He is about to explode when I come home. He goes and goes and goes when I let him out. He has NOT gone in the house. I am such a proud parent. He really is a good boy. Nevermind the 2 pillows he destroyed last week. My secret weapon is limiting water. That sounds horrible. I take the water up when I am at work. No water, no yellow explosions. Plenty of water the rest of the day. Come home ASAP. Can you see my smile? Good dog. My life is blessed.

I have been lunging the ponies. Diesel is such a gentleman. This weekend I will ride. Bec is a fruit loop. Lunge, lunge, lunge. Diesel is my man. He is so handsome. And obedient. He lives to please. Great quality in any kind of man...especially the 1200 lb kind. My life is blessed.

Monday, March 2, 2009

24 Hour Chip

I should start a 12 step program for the little pisser. He got his 24 hour chip today. And I was late getting home! No tinkle spots. I knew he had it in him. What was different? I took the water up during the day. I hate to do that for so long. But, it worked. I really think he tries to hold it but cannot. When he has "accidents" it is like he unloads a flood. He's a little dog and it is alot of pee. Maybe I can train him after all. Stay tuned for more exciting potty talk.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chunky Monkies and Mo-rons

I should change this name to 2chunkymonkies. Prissy is no longer chunky. It is winter. She's old. It is down to me and Bec. Bec holds her weight well (code for she's a fatty patty). Priss will chunk up in a month or two. She is by no means skinny. Just thinner than normal. She actually looks pretty darn good. The grass here is native and will not green up until April. Then, Becca gets to wear a muzzle. I've been grooming them a couple of times a week. I love the pony time. Everyone is starting to shed out and is itchy. I'm happy because I have no choice but to spend time with them.

Now for the mo-ron part. I've always been a little foolish when it comes to the ponies. My arm is doing quite well. The shoulder is aching less and less. It was only 3 years ago that I ate it on Becca- bareback, windy, halter only, first time in a new place. Tonight I rode Prissy. First time riding here. Bareback in a bridle. The thing is...I feel safe on her. She is predictable and conscientious of her rider. She tripped a few times. I barely felt it. She compensates for you. She is truly worth a million dollars. Miss Priss is the horse of a lifetime. The others have great qualities. She is just the one. Every day with her is special. She has her quirks. She grunts, she's head shy. She was not always so good. I have to keep that in mind. She was a fruit loop in the early days but she always took care of me. Miles and miles of riding. The others will get there.

Tonight I had a great ride. She was perky but not spooky. I took her out of the round pen and she did fine. Next time I will put a saddle on and really RIDE. After my ride, I groomed everyone. I'm afraid they will get thorns in their feet so I have been picking out hooves almost every day to check them. Talk about concrete. We need rain so bad. I flood near the trough but it just hardens and gets stuck while sucking the moisture out. It is too cool to hose them down.

Diesel set back while grooming tonight. It is sooo my fault. Scruff was hanging out too close and I lunged and fussed at him. All I managed to do is scare the big boy. Neither went anywhere. Diesel just broke the twine I had him safety tied to... and stood there. Scruffy is driving me nuts. He needs to get out and run. Which he did- right over to the neighbors. He came back eventually and followed me and Prissy. Way too close. Priss is a saint. I hope Scruff got some energy out. He is just about out of toys and pillows to destroy. I don't mind when he eats toys, the pillows are another story. He confuses them. Both are filled with stuffing to pull out. I am his last chance. If I give up he has nowhere to go. I do have thoughts of letting him go. Gretch would be alone. She doesn't handle that well. I went from 4 dogs to 2 in no time. It is definitely a better number. It breaks my heart that Spooky loves living with my parents so much. I'm glad but heartbroken. She hasn't visited in two weeks. And she won't for two more, at least. I miss her.

This is about the most random post ever. Welcome to my life. It is what it is. And it is blessed.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Short Friends

Today's thoughts are about our short friends. How could I live without them? Every day I admire my behemoth horse, Diesel. When I tilt my head and rest on his shoulder, he is taller than me. He's got the look. You know the one. I admire him every single day. He's special.

But what about the fluffy mutts that live with me? They are not spectacular. They make people stare out of the rediculousness of matching their parents together (especially Gretch). She has a bad hair day every day. Her ears are enormous. She wiggles with her whole body when she greets you and whines like a baby. Yet, I could not imagine life without her. She snuggles every night. Gretchen is the best kind of companion. She lives to please her people. Doesn't matter who is around, Gretch will make you happy. I can't imagine life without any of my pets, though I know the day will come. This one has created an amazing bond. She's dedicated and willing and smart and obedient. Who'd have thought? She was a handful as a youngster.

This brings me to Scruffy. He's bad. I say this alot. He runs off and pees in the house. He bounces off the wall and destroys toys within seconds. Seriously....seconds, as in, less than 1 minute. He, too, sits in my lap. Snuggles at night. Not so willing, not so obedient. Someday....I keep saying that. Someday he will be a good dog. The bond with him is growing. I could possibly live without the other animals. Maybe. But, never will I live without a dog. Even when I am old and feeble.

Here's to man's best friend. They are truly special. I love mine dearly. My life is blessed.

Gretch just farted. Run for the hills.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Crew

It seems like everyone has settled in nicely. My fluffy pups sit on the couch with the Blue kitty next to me. The other cats are nearby. I was most worried about the cats. I've never moved an outside cat before. I worried for weeks about how they would handle it. We are not far from the old house and I was afraid they would go to the wrong home. They took it all in stride. I kept them in the barn for 3 days before releasing them. Tonight is their first night out. Blue came in. Blue does what Blue wants.

Scruffy has now run off twice. He comes home. Just like before. It still gives me a heart attack. I love that bad little dog. Gretch used to sit on the back of the couch and look out the window. There is no window behind it here. She's sitting up there anyway. Her tail is wagging me.

The horses enjoy their new freedom...and grass. We fenced in a portion of the pasture for them. If I had to guess, I'd say it is 7 or 8 acres. They will be up to their bellies in grass in another month or so...if we get rain, of course. Last night must have worn them out. They all took several naps today. Getting to know a new place is stressful. And they all got extra exercise checking the fenceline.

The turtles don't seem to have any troubles, either. Squirt is still in the aquarium in the house. His shell is still healing. He'll get moved outside as soon as it warms up. Seymour is acting a bit shy. He misses the hibiscus flowers.

I moved my grandmother's rain lilies today. They will be in pots for awhile. I can't imagine getting any beds made anytime soon. I have the time to nurture Bitsy's lemon and that is about it. My to do list is rather large. I crossed out a few things today and managed to get my first nap in eons.

It is time to get cleaned up. I'll try not to disturb the sleeping beauties on the couch.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The End of an Era

Bye Bye Boogies.

Eighteen years and it was not enough. But, time was up. She went quickly and quietly with no resisitance. Three days into life in my forever home and I have already buried one of my own. I hated to have to make that decision. The reality is it was the right one. She did not suffer. She was not yet in pain. Life made her weary and the tumors were undoubtedly growing. Bitsy rests next to a newly planted lemon tree.

Last week, before the move, Buddy came home with obviously serious wounds. I believe the coyotes I heard so close the night before attacked him. The infection took hold. When I came home I knew I had to end his pain immediately. I did what I have never done before...pull the trigger. There was no time to call for the vet. His lady friend, Pumpkin, lay next to his grave for a week, mourning.

The creatures that we share our lives with touch us so deeply. Savor every moment. Rescue new ones but never forget the lost ones. My life is blessed.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good Grief...Bad Grief

Good news is the house keeps on plugging. No close date, yet, but it is coming soon...few weeks at most. Just some last minute things to install. It looks like a house. It seems like it has taken so long that it feels like home already. However, it really hasn't been long at all. Just last February I was searching for land. Biggest project left is the fencing. Anyone interested in helping. Ha Ha.

Bad Grief. Bitsy will not make the move to the new house. She is nearing the time to end it. She will be 18 on Saturday. Lots of great years. She cannot hold it well anymore and is very feeble. She will tell me what day is right. I am prepared.

I already have her "replacement". Funny how there are always too many that need a home. How is that possible? I take so many! And Scruffy....what was I thinking? Yesterday, he shredded all of the trash and moved it around the house. He chased that with an entire jar of Vaseline. Who does that? It sprays out as a clear, high pressure liquid. I hope he was clear before I left for work this morning. What a mess. My life is insane. With all his trouble making yesterday, Bitsy didn't have even one accident. What a relief.

The stories I will be able to tell. This dog is a handful. He's bad. But I love him very much. He's cute and he snuggles ALOT. Someday he will be well-manered. Working on it one day at a time.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hello 30

Good grief. I'm 30. Same as yesterday but feeling the pains of responsibility. Insurance and mortgage and 12 hungry mouths to feed.

The house is coming along. I have cabinets. Closing at the end of the month. Fencework is stressing me out. We can't start until the house is done. Dirt work and leveling must come first.

Internet comes when I move in. Can't wait. I visit the neighbors for their WiFi. And it is rude. Must go.