Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fear and Friends

I heard the awful screaming again. Both cats were at the door. Both spent the night in the house. This never happens. They are afraid, also.

I have left a trail of horsey friends all across Texas. It always hurts most to say goodbye to the people who share the love of horses. Now it is my turn. My horsie friend is moving away. I will miss the companionship. I will miss her talent. I don't put just anyone on my horses. It is a safety issue as well as a training issue. Diesel and Becca can both be alot of horse.

I moved to Port Lavaca for the fishing and the beach. I stayed for the people I met here. This is a wonderful town. I've made it my home. Forever. I madly miss horse people, though. I have met no one that rides English. I have not heard of a single trainer (as in train me, trainer), let alone a good one. I miss having an arena. Even more, I miss having an arena with other riders. Camaraderie. I miss it terribly. I've said this before. I still feel it. And now, my riding buddy is moving. My only riding buddy. Damn. Double damn.

On the upside, I had another good ride today. Riding Buddy rode Diesel and had a great ride. It was a good day. I like those. It makes me want to ride more. Once a week is not enough. My ride on Prissy was comfortable. She's worth a million bucks. No lie. Nothing but years can create a bond so strong. There will never be another like her. There will be others that are great. But, Miss Priss is the love of my life. That sounds weird. I feel it deep down. This is it. Savor every moment. My life is blessed.

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