Eighteen years and it was not enough. But, time was up. She went quickly and quietly with no resisitance. Three days into life in my forever home and I have already buried one of my own. I hated to have to make that decision. The reality is it was the right one. She did not suffer. She was not yet in pain. Life made her weary and the tumors were undoubtedly growing. Bitsy rests next to a newly planted lemon tree.
Last week, before the move, Buddy came home with obviously serious wounds. I believe the coyotes I heard so close the night before attacked him. The infection took hold. When I came home I knew I had to end his pain immediately. I did what I have never done before...pull the trigger. There was no time to call for the vet. His lady friend, Pumpkin, lay next to his grave for a week, mourning.
The creatures that we share our lives with touch us so deeply. Savor every moment. Rescue new ones but never forget the lost ones. My life is blessed.
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