Monday, February 23, 2009

Short Friends

Today's thoughts are about our short friends. How could I live without them? Every day I admire my behemoth horse, Diesel. When I tilt my head and rest on his shoulder, he is taller than me. He's got the look. You know the one. I admire him every single day. He's special.

But what about the fluffy mutts that live with me? They are not spectacular. They make people stare out of the rediculousness of matching their parents together (especially Gretch). She has a bad hair day every day. Her ears are enormous. She wiggles with her whole body when she greets you and whines like a baby. Yet, I could not imagine life without her. She snuggles every night. Gretchen is the best kind of companion. She lives to please her people. Doesn't matter who is around, Gretch will make you happy. I can't imagine life without any of my pets, though I know the day will come. This one has created an amazing bond. She's dedicated and willing and smart and obedient. Who'd have thought? She was a handful as a youngster.

This brings me to Scruffy. He's bad. I say this alot. He runs off and pees in the house. He bounces off the wall and destroys toys within seconds. Seriously....seconds, as in, less than 1 minute. He, too, sits in my lap. Snuggles at night. Not so willing, not so obedient. Someday....I keep saying that. Someday he will be a good dog. The bond with him is growing. I could possibly live without the other animals. Maybe. But, never will I live without a dog. Even when I am old and feeble.

Here's to man's best friend. They are truly special. I love mine dearly. My life is blessed.

Gretch just farted. Run for the hills.

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