Sunday, August 31, 2008
Shake, Rattle, and RUN!!!!!!!
Now for the fun part. What lives in brush piles and rattles? We killed a 3-footer today. 9 segments on its rattle. Big lump in its belly. I will volunteer to drive the tractor in the future...sit up high. My new favorite job. We keep the tractor and sprayer close by to stop any runaway flames.
Gustav is heading east of us. There is no chance of rain in the forecast. I pray for the creatures in its path. And, I sincerely hope it sticks to the path they predict. I have a brand new uninsured barn. No one wants to insure it right now...can't even get a quote in between storms. Go figure.
I currently have 3 very cranky horses. They haven't gotten a good night's sleep in weeks. Mosquitoes are horrible. I spray them down with fly spray twice a day. Still, I hear them kicking the barn walls at night to knock off the bugs and voice their discomfort. No one wants hugs. They are in dire need of restful sleep. But good news, I think Diesel is ready to ride. Just a small scab left on his foot. If only I could find the energy. Not today. Regardless, my life is blessed.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Can we ride already?
Friday, August 22, 2008
Start the Day Right
How do you end the day? You can see this coming. Relaxed, extended horsie snuggle time. Recharges the soul. Corny, but true.
Moments with our creatures is vital for our health. Today, I had the opportunity to nap with Spooky in a tight hug. Just a few minutes, but it energized me. Too bad I have to work all weekend to get ready for school on Monday. Doesn't matter. All I need is hugs. My life is blessed.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Where's D?
We got rain. Lots. The drought is over. Diesel's perverse swollen area is almost back to normal. Almost. And his cut heel is almost healed. Maybe a week or so more. The horses are all on the mend. Priss is sound. Bec is enjoying regular exercise.
The cats are all "fixed". Emmie was preggers. Blue is swollen and may not be aware yet that he is less his jewels. They both behaved like angels. And the best news- they still like me. Good thing.
Another good thing...starting back to work with a low-key week before kids. This work stuff is hard to get used to. I had an entire week of rest and relaxation. Six thirty AM comes way too quick.
Hope all is well with you. My life is blessed.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
On a Positive Note
Becca lunged today for 45 minutes with a great attitude the entire time. She looked great and even cantered a few times around. She looked sound. First time sound at a canter. I sat on her at a walk for 5 minutes of her cool down. Nothing better than sitting on a good horse. She is one wide horse. Completely sound bareback at a walk. I didn't push it. Felt good. What really felt good is getting on that gal bareback in a halter for the first time since the fall. She was not near as responsive as I expect her to be. Next time I will definitely ride with a bridle. Saddles are all too narrow. Love that gal.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Good Grief
I swear I cannot go anywhere. I visited my cousin this afternoon. I was gone 7 hours. I returned home to find diarrhea on my floor and a big pee spot on the couch. That's the second time this week. I think the couch is trash. Then I found Diesel's problem. It's late. I'm tired. My scrubbed floor still stinks. What else?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Moment of Truth
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Diesel's Lazy Boy Excuse
So, our biggest issue is the foot. The big, orange dork learned to stand on the fence to pull it down so he could eat on the other side. Itty bitty slip up means slice through the coronary band and we have major issues. We now have an electrified fence inside the fence. Problem solved. Foot healing slowly.
Next issue is the ticks. I use several products to prevent tick infestation. This is what happens when the Big Boy gets a tick bite.
He's allergic. Note the swelling in the vein radiating out from the palm sized swollen area. First time this happened I was very distraught. The swelling goes down in a few days. Still scary.
Today there was no horse work. I spent the entire day shopping for back to school clothes. Great sales. Supercool new stuff.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Meet the Meow
Friday, August 8, 2008
Catch of the Day

The fishing is good. This is what we caught this morning. We have a cooler full tonight, too. Yesterday was just as successful. I've been busy getting my fishin' in. Just one more week before school starts. Where did the summer go?
One thing is for sure. I had way too many days with multiple lame horses. Diesel's foot is healing slowly. Otherwise, he is good to go. Maybe next month I will be able to ride. So depressing.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Motor Running

Saturday, August 2, 2008
Just got in. Diesel's swelling has changed but not gotten worse. It has spread out and is not as "tight". I will keep a close eye on it. He continues to get hydro-ed and mineral iced. I expect it to slowly return to normal.
A big thank you to my dad for traipsing out into the pasture at lunch to check on the boy. Proof that he really does like the big boy. Busted.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Geez...Gimme a break
First off, the mosquitos are insanely bad. The horses are covered in them. I have sprayed and rubbed them down with the best I have and have sprayed the barn. Needless to say, they are all lumpy from the bites.
Secondly, I went out this evening to find Diesel with a palm sized lump on his neck that was not only swollen but extended into a small vein running down his neck. It was raised almost 1/2 inch. Coincidentally, I removed a tick from this area yesterday. Not good.
I gave him 2 gm bute and hydro-ed the area for 15 minutes. I also put mineral ice on it to help reduce swelling. I will get up extra early tomorrow to check on him. If it is worse I will call the vet. Stay tuned. Drama galore.