Wednesday, July 30, 2008
3 Down
I've done it. I've upset the balance of the universe. I have 3 lame horses. I think Priss bruised her hoof. Lame at a walk. Bec is (I think) making very slow progress. Diesel's foot is healing. Still very bad but there is definite tissue healing.
Dang it all. It is summer and the time to ride off into the sunset. And I have no horse to ride. Just my luck.
Property update: My very best former student showed up today to drill my water well. Great kid. And I mean special- kind, quick-witted, observant, hard working. Mature beyond his years. Lord, help the girls when they figure this out. I'm pretty sure it's still a secret. His time will come. Tomorrow I should have a complete barn and water well- just no electricity to run it. Patience. My life is blessed.
Sunday, July 27, 2008

AKA Sucker.
I currently am the proud mama of 3 horses, 3 dogs, 2 turtles, and 4 cats. Yep. Four. How did that happen? I had 2 last week. The answer is simple. I'm a sucker. Deep down in my heart I cannot resist feeding sad animals. Hence, there is graffiti on water hydrants everywhere. For a good meal, call Devra. One mile down and on the right.
Months ago I scared a little black cat hiding in the storage barn. It climbed the wall trying to escape. I saw it once more. Until last week. Now I see her morning and evening. The OTHER new cat is very friendly. He immediately sat in my lap and purred sweetly. His name is Blue. He's Siamese. Very cool cat. Convinced the black cat to be semi-friendly.
Now, I have two cats on the porch and two cats at the horse barn. The two crews tolerate each other. My dilemma? I cannot, CANNOT, afford two more cats. Boys are cheaper than girls and tend to be more affectionate. Do I keep the gorgeous, boy Siamese or the tender, shy, plain, black female? Blue would be much easier to place at the shelter. But, for the same reasons, I like him ALOT more.
I'd keep them both but I have just mortgaged myself to the hilt for the rest of my life. I need fence. I need curtains. I need food! (And, I secretly want to adopt a poor, old, nag of a horse to live out its days in my superhuge new pasture. Later. Much later.)
What to do? What to do? My life is blessed. Too blessed!!!!
The soaking bucket is now a horse-eating monster designed to inflict horrible pain. And Diesel may be a jumper someday in the far, far future when he is sound and fit. He can rear up and hop on two legs while I hold one front leg. Impressive. In slow motion. I think he is tired of all of the ouchies. Me, too.
Monday when Dad comes back we are going to put up an electric fence all of the way around the pasture so that this won't happen again. Dad is not happy about this. We are way too busy with the new property to be fixing up the old one. But we have to survive until at least Christmas. When I say "we", I mean Diesel. He's the only one that climbs fences. Crazy boy.
On a pleasant note, I should have a completed barn at the new place by the end of next week. And a water well. But, no electricity to run the well. Can't have everything!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Why doesn't he learn? I have three horses with only the old nag sound to ride. Sorry Priss. The point in getting more horses was to give her a break. I better shut it before she gets hurt, too. Diesel has just barely healed from the last incident. It took forever to heal. Now it is worse.
I have got to get moved into the new place. I have to consider moving the horses before me. I hate to do that. There is no one there to check on them. And they trailer well. If anyone out there is getting any bright ideas about how to acquire a supercool, new horse...I suggest Diesel. He's pretty. And apparently accident prone :)
I do not have any pics of the wound. But, it is not as bad as some I have seen. It could be much worse. The question is...when is it going to happen? The big one is bound to happen. For now, I just look at my pretty, injury factory and hydro the heck out of his foot. Bleepidy Bleep.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Smarty Pants
I have been spending a few extra minutes each day in the pasture. I have a new friend. His name is Blue. He's a Siamese cat. Very friendly. Has tapeworms and ear mites, at the least. Treated for that today. If he sticks around he will be missing his man parts and may find himself living the good life indoors. Seriously cool cat. Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend who looks to be about his age and has the same face. Sister? Eek. I talked to her today and she may become friendly so she can find a new home somewhere else, minus her girl parts. We'll see. I first met her a few months ago in the barn- she climbed a wall to get away before my mind even registered that she was a cat and not the boogie monster hiding in the darkness. She is rarely seen. After that first day I did not see her for well over a month. This week she began lurking rather regularly. Blue is waiting for me day and night and screams when I go away. He sits in my lap and honors me with the opportunity to rub his tummy. He'd be stupid to leave, now. I'm a sucker for those blue eyes.
What Smarty Pants are we talking about above? Diesel, of course. I'm getting there. Diesel is a very attentive horse. He watches cars go by. He listens to the neighbors. He jumps to attention for the train that is a mile away. I'm not saying he spooks, he is curious. He pays attention to detail. He not only has a mischevious look at all times, but the brain to go with it. He finds trouble everywhere. He moves the ground poles, he dumps the mounting block, he eats any lead rope within reach. The crazy boy had a foot of lead rope in his mouth the other day when I realized what was going on. He actually turned his body to hide what he was doing. I pulled out the moist, warm lead to find quite a few edges frayed. And it was Prissy's lead! They were cooling off after our ride and Priss kept pinning her ears. I went to check it out and found the goofball sucking on her lead rope. He also eats trees. Hackberry, to be specific. They are trimmed up very high but he stands up and stretches to eat them.
Diesel is very jealous that I am spending time with the cat. He leans over the fence and lays on the charm. Ears perked, head bobs. He has sniffed Blue several times up close. The cat allows it but gives him a look that says, "Do what you must and go away". Wow, what that must seem like to such a small animal? Sometimes I'm in awe of Diesel's size. And Blue is not a very big kitty.
Not all horses think things through the way my boy does. You can see the wheels turning. He is smart and he knows it. Do you know any animals like that? Prissy is smart but is not affectionate. She doesn't seek the attention and so her intelligence is not so obvious. I definitely have a character on hand with the Big Orange Beast around. It makes me kinda proud to have such a unique animal. My life is blessed.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Yee Haw

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Not in the Market
Diesel says, "Who me?".
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Filthy, Dirty
Everyone behaved wonderfully. Especially the boy. He not only let me spend a long time lathering and rinsing without so much as one fidget, he stood for another hour tied in the barn without taking a step. Usually, when he is tired of standing he digs to China. And I did the final brush-out on him last. Progress? One could only hope. So far, impatience is his only vice.
I didn't ride like I intended this morning but I did spend some quality time with everyone. Prissy wasn't too cranky. Amazing- she's in raging heat with horribly swollen boobies. That usually means she doesn't like her tail messed with. Or hugs :) Just leave her alone. Bec, too, has these horrible symptoms of the female body. But she is always a lady. Snuggle bunny. That girl has only kindness in her.
I may try to ride this evening. I have my western tack oiled and adjusted for Diesel. I had to dig out the old split reins because his neck is way too long for my braided, waxed cotton reins. We need to ride out on the turnrows to take away some boredom.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Then and Now
Friday, July 11, 2008
Everyone Needs Friends
Once again, I feel the momentum of riding. And it is a nice change. Even if we are limited to a walk. My life is blessed.
I asked for it....
This evening I rode Priss bareback in a halter. She is the best. We did walk/trot while watching the sun go down. Between no stirrups this morning and bareback this evening my legs are screaming at me. I asked for it...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What's that noise?
Why am I afraid of Diesel but not the girls? Here's my thoughts:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Beginning of the Road
Friday, July 4, 2008
She Loves Me
She loves me. This is wonderful since she has 'loved me not' for almost a week. Becca is finally beginning to feel better. She is a long way from sound but we are making progress. She's enjoying her massage, now. She tolerates her stretches. She stands quietly for me to massage her scar from the biopsy. She will still not stand with her front legs even. She's sore.
I hate to see her hurting but the alternative is not pretty. The fall she took last March could easily have killed her. She did a complete flip. A somersault. Ground-shaking fall. All because she tripped at a high speed. If I hadn't seen it happen I would not have believed it. That day my threesome came running up to the barn for breakfast. I thank god she was at the back of the herd. They could have plowed into her while she was down.
The official diagnosis was subluxation with a hot spot of the T5 and T6 vertebrae. And, she has a nasty tear in her gluts. Wow, what the neighbors must think of me standing behind her rubbing her butt! I am in love with this horse. She is so kind and willing. And a joy to ride.
I do not blame her a bit for my fall a year and a half ago. My crooked and tempermental arm is a reminder that I am not invincible. But, it is not her fault. I knew better than to ride bareback, in a halter, in a new place, away from her buddy, on a herd-bound mare. Too much for her all at once. She has made progress on the herd-bound issues. And I no longer ride her bareback outside of her comfort zone. Of course, I can't ride her at all right now. I just dream about it. And get hugs and kisses from her. She is truly the most affectionate horse I have ever known. Heart of gold.
It is getting late and the neighbors are shooting off fireworks, of course. I hope my crew is being as sensible about it as they were before the sun went down. They were completely ignoring the noise. I think I'll go check on them. The dogs are in the house having a fit, as usual.
Rain, Rain
My new place has incredibly thick grass. It is in the way of our tree removal. The snakies live there and the thought alone makes me get the crazies. Yesterday, we stopped at the neighbor's and asked if she knew anyone that would want to bale it for free. Ranchers will be desperate for hay this winter and I have tons that need to go away. What we can't pawn off will just get shredded. Might as well put it to use. Hope we can find a taker.
Hope your Independence Day is filled with fun, family, and ponies. Mine is. And now it is nap time. Living the good life.