At 11am it is now almost 90 degrees. Not too bad except the humidity level is 60%. Could be worse. The bay is just a few miles away. Lots of moisture. Sometimes the humidity level is 100%....with no rain in sight. I like to think this weather helps burn the chunk off my middle. It is probably just the posting trot I love so much. I really do love it. I have to work up to a 2-point, though. Won't be long at this rate.
So, how did the ride go? Becca did not act up at all, but was not on top of her game. Not acting up is actually normal. It was just the one bad ride two years ago that took 6 months to recover from. My fault. Hindsight, 20/20. Becca's a great but fugly horse. Her ride is nice with a smooth trot and a relatively supple body. Today she was 'off ' to the right at a canter. That is her "bad" direction. Could have been the footing. The chiropracter may be able to tell me for sure later in the week. Last March, Becca tripped at a canter out in the pasture and did a somersault. I put her on pasture rest until a few weeks ago. We worked up to riding with round pen work and then some light bareback rides. She is sound under saddle now. I swear she is glad to get the exercise. I know being that overweight is uncomfortable. I feel her pain :)
This is a big week for my four-leggers. Tomorrow the vet comes out for annuals. The horses are getting vaccinations, teeth floated, and Diesel is getting his ding-o-ling cleaned. I love mares. He is embarrassing. This is my first gelding. I am not disgusted by boys. But, so far he is my drama king. Playful, attention hog, goofy, impatient- and he likes to show off his goods. He never gets stud-ish other than dropping. But, I think he is in love with me. I relate to my mares. Neither is very moody. Both are patient. Becca is very feminine, Miss Priss is butch.
I am excited about the chiropractor coming to work on Diesel. I want confirmation to ride and get him back in condition. I have been reluctant to work him with his hip sore. We'll see. I think he is jealous of the girls getting ridden so much. He hangs out looking hopeful. His turn is coming.
This blog is helping me stay with this. I have no one available to ride with me until next week. But, I am itching to ride again. I will do some lone riding before then- in between vet and chiro appointments. I hope you are taking the time to enjoy your equine friends. I sure am- on and off their backs!
Becca before the extra chunky
1 comment:
I have now started reading this first thing every day. I am so proud of you for keeping it up and so jealous I haven't started consistently riding
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