Anabelle is a joy to have around. She is very guarded in everything she does. She hesitates before drinking water and before allowing me to touch her. But, in just under two weeks she has gone from allowing a tentative face rub to letting me rub all down her back to her hip and under her belly. I still have to go slow. This morning she let me pick up both front feet and move her foot around.
We have a long way to go. I need her to accept a halter and fly spray. And, eventually she needs her hooves trimmed. I'm so proud of how far she has come. The girls tolerate her but are not fond of her. I'm sure time will change that. I am most excited that she squeaks to me when she sees me and follows me around everywhere. Plus, she does not bray and bother the neighbors.
In other news, Diesel is doing well with the trainer. I'm tickled that she likes him so much. But, what is not to like? He's cute and smart and quite the character. Earlier this week she caught him in his run playing with a pool noodle.
On Monday, I spent the day trying out saddles. I ordered a Tod Slone barrel saddle. It will have a patchwork suede seat in a variety of colors, rawhide cantle and horn, silver dots lining all edges, a simple arrow basketweave with floral pattern, and my name on the binder. I could not be more excited. This is gonna be a long 3-5 months of anticipation.
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