Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sweetest Donk Ever!!!!

Anabelle is a joy to have around. She is very guarded in everything she does. She hesitates before drinking water and before allowing me to touch her. But, in just under two weeks she has gone from allowing a tentative face rub to letting me rub all down her back to her hip and under her belly. I still have to go slow. This morning she let me pick up both front feet and move her foot around.
We have a long way to go. I need her to accept a halter and fly spray. And, eventually she needs her hooves trimmed. I'm so proud of how far she has come. The girls tolerate her but are not fond of her. I'm sure time will change that. I am most excited that she squeaks to me when she sees me and follows me around everywhere. Plus, she does not bray and bother the neighbors.
In other news, Diesel is doing well with the trainer. I'm tickled that she likes him so much. But, what is not to like? He's cute and smart and quite the character. Earlier this week she caught him in his run playing with a pool noodle.
On Monday, I spent the day trying out saddles. I ordered a Tod Slone barrel saddle. It will have a patchwork suede seat in a variety of colors, rawhide cantle and horn, silver dots lining all edges, a simple arrow basketweave with floral pattern, and my name on the binder. I could not be more excited. This is gonna be a long 3-5 months of anticipation.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Everyone is excited!

My old lady can still move. She's excited about the newest member of our family. I'm not so sure that she likes it, yet. Making friends takes time.
Even the neighbor horse came over to greet our newcomer.
This is Anabelle. She is incredibly sweet and laid back. For now, she is being treated like the odd man out. I hope this passes quickly. My horses were completely terrified of her when they first saw her. She is patiently grazing and waiting for them to accept her.
This is my new trailer. It is 20' so it is big enough for everyone to travel. It is really nice to have the freedom to haul the horses when I want to. It's been too long.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Finally got my first lesson on Diesel. To prepare, I rode him in my western trail saddle the day before. This saddle does not work for us. So, I am again saddle shopping. The expenses never end!!!

After having a few days off of training, Diesel was a turd. He was a lookey-loo and never did pay attention to me. Lucky for us, he got a real lesson the morning of my lesson before I rode him in the evening. The trainer worked wonders on him. With the help of a better bit, martingale, and alot of sweat he got the message. Our lesson was short and sweet and VERY successful.

I know better than to put myself (a now timid and out of practice rider) with a green horse. I am very excited that we now have loads of hope, with the help of a professional. We do have a long way to go. This is my evaluation, not the trainer's. But I know she is thinking it, too.

Today, I should be getting a delivery. My trailer is getting delivered with a special surprise. I will have to face disapproval from my family and probably some annoyance from my neighbors. I am getting a 3 year old jenny as a 2-for-1 with the trailer. She, like most donkeys, is very vocal. And she is another mouth to feed. She will be a companion to Becca who must be removed from the grass now that it is growing. I cannot afford to take Priss off of grass for her sake and Bec goes ballistic when alone. Donkeys do fine without grain on good pasture and are very hardy. There is less hoof care and they are great guard-dogs. And, of course, they are adorable :) It is ridiculous that I have to justify myself to my family at this point in my life but it is a fact of my life. It will not be pretty. Right now, I am to the point that I don't think I can win with my family. I'm too old to be rebellious. But I am. It's getting old. Regardless, I have many blessings.