Sunday, February 13, 2011


It's not hard to let the sunshine in. With our first day of bright, warm weather I spent the day outside doing things that got postponed during our lengthy cold snap. (I moved to South Texas for a reason! Not my cup of tea.)

It was unofficially named Pedicure Day. Me first! Then horses and dogs. Afterwards, I worked out in the yard. It was so nice to leave the house. Of course, I didn't ride because Diesel is always a bit tender after a trim, no fault to my wonderful farrier.

I have happy news to report. I have successfully maintained my weight for over a month now. Final stats: size 6, 133 lbs, 54 lb loss. This is my 21 year old size (not quite the same I feel great. I have energy and I sleep through the night. And I LOOK great. Always nice.

Now for the biggest news. The farrier gave me the go ahead to ride Priss. Conditions: warm day, walk on level ground, legs wrapped. He is not a vet but has a lifetime of experience and I trust him. I have video of Prissy running around the pasture I am going to take to the vet. I can't wait to show her off. My girl is back. I will still get Doc's opinion before riding but I am thrilled that I may be able to sit on my girl again. It means so much. Who would have thought she'd live to ride again? My life is blessed.

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