Thursday, May 5, 2011


Today did not quite go as planned. There was good news and bad news and a wee bit too much other stress. By the end of the day I was physically and emotionally exhausted. The bad news comes in the form of others trials. It kills me that people I care about are going through such a horrible experience. I cannot imagine what it feels like to lose a parent as a young adult but I do know that losing someone close is devastating. A parent has to be so much more painful.

The good news is my fish is showing improvement. She is swimming today, be it slowly and carefully. I must be thinking "a fish?...silly girl". This is a very old, very smart, very special fish. I hope that she is just feeling off because it is just about egg laying time. We'll see. Oscar watches me teach all day long and always is excited to see me. It's nice to have an easy buddy in my chaotic workplace.

So instead of buying groceries today I came home and clipped all 3 horses and washed and scrubbed legs. And to finish off my evening I walked Prissy around the pasture once. This is our fourth ride back. She is still chomping at the bit (in her halter, haha!) and enjoying the ride. Each ride has taken on such importance. I can't help but think it may be the last one. And instead of worrying I just appreciate it. The feeling is wonderful.

This evening has put my mood back where it needs to be and given me the perspective I need. Appreciate the ones you love. You never know when they will be gone. My prayers go out to the Thwaites. Watching a loved one slip away and making the toughest of decisions requires such strength. My life is blessed.