Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sore Everything...

Not just the eyes. What a lazy horse! I'm gonna need some tools next ride. The boy took alot of persuasion to stay in a trot and canter. We had a much more responsive ride today than the last one. I'm not saying he's responsive, just better. He's such a goofball. He drops his head and slows when he's tired of working. So far, no buck. I think he likes the attention a bit. I had to use every muscle in my body to keep him forward. After the ride I took him over to the hose to remove the last bit of mud from his legs that grooming missed. I am wetter than him. He just had to drink from the hose. Most ended up on me. Goofball.

I have to start riding alot more often. Diesel is my only riding horse now and he needs miles. I want him to be my Prissy someday. I think he could be special in his own way. My life is blessed.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sight for Sore Eyes

Prissy got to graze in my back yard this evening for an hour. Her eyes bulged out and she went a little mad when I unclipped the lead rope. It has been one day shy of 3 weeks since she has been able to walk around. She's gonna tear up my yard with her hooves. It's a small price to pay for a bit of sanity. She is sore enough to only walk but she was giggling on the was clear she was ecstatic. The dogs didn't understand why she got to go out but they didn't. I just hope the weather holds so she can go out tomorrow. Sure beats hand grazing her for an hour.

I've been forced to neglect the young-uns. All they've gotten this week is a few hoof cleanings and twice a day once over. They are both head to toe dried mud. I look forward to the weekend time. My life is blessed.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Week

This week has been long and eventful. Last Thursday morning I was happily cleaning Prissy's stall before the sun came up. The dogs were playing in the back yard. I heard an unfamiliar bark coming from my own dog, Gretchen. She is a very affectionate, submissive animal but what came out of her mouth was anything but. I look up to see a figure standing between the barn and the house. In a moment I realize it is a coyote. I am not one to be worried by a few wild animals. I raised the pitchfork I was holding and hollered in my toughest voice "Go on. Get out of here". It didn't move, didn't even look distressed. I walked out of the stall toward the house. Still hadn't budged. At this point, I think rabies. I grab a gun but by now it has moved a few steps over and Diesel is directly behind it. I took a shot well clear of the horse and the coyote to scare it off. It disappears into the pasture, hidden by the tall grass I've been unable to mow all year.

Later that evening I find Diesel pestering Priss over the top of her pen. It continues overnight. I didn't get much sleep and was almost ready to give Diesel to the cowboy across the street who loves the idea of a big horse to rope off of. I know the fun would wear off and he would not be loved enough. The solution: cross fence the pasture and remove Diesel and Bec from the barn area. Friday evening was spent putting up fence. Now my two sound horses have no shelter. Good thing the weather is mild here. They rewarded me by rolling in the mud.

Saturday was spent visiting family and selling my soul for a few bales of stemmy hay. Before I can get it unloaded I look up to see at least 3 coyotes at the fenceline. I call the neighbor but he is out of town and instructed me to "get out there and shoot them before it gets any darker". Ok. I can do this. I'm alone and I have to walk out to a pack of coyotes with the sun sinking fast. Needless to say, I severely wounded the one that did not run off. Is it the one from the other morning? Who knows? I feel very bad that it was able to crawl off. It immediately headed for the herd of cows after being shot. I lost sight of it. Sneaky creatures. I've heard the packs howling day and night for days with a few yips during the day. This is too many. They have threatened me. I take it personal.

Sunday I walked out to find a body or evidence. I found nothing but a healthy coyote saw me from a huge distance and ran away. I watched it dogtrot to the treeline. I found its hiding place, though. It was bedded down in a brush pile that I've been unable to burn because of rain and wind. In the evening, I got a friend to assist in a stakeout. For the first time all week we heard and saw nothing. I hope my presence has moved them out. My cats are tired of being locked in the house.

As for Priss, she is now taking a walk to the mailbox twice a day. She is still spending most of her time lying down. I hope the sunshine and blue skies lift her spirits so that she can continue to recover. It is slow going. I cherish every moment I have with her. My life is blessed.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

That Look

Priss has a wide-eyed look like she is about to go insane. Chances are, she IS about to go insane. We took our first real walk today, about 5 minutes. Her friends ran around the pasture at break neck speeds the entire time. They worked up a sweat. I did, too, worrying about more bowed tendons. To my relief they were fine. The exercise probably did them some good.

The farrier put wedges on Priss and squared up her toes. It has done wonders. This second bow is nothing compared to the first. But the damage is done. It will be a very slow recovery. I hope I made the right decision. What kind of life is it to be stuck in a stall....?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pissy Prissy

Prissy is acting closer to normal today. She's making faces at Bec and kicking the walls. This is a very good sign. For her it means she's feeling better. This is the Prissy I know and love. Gotta love the Appytude.

Most of the swelling is gone with the exception of the actual bowed tendon. She spent a hour and a half up this evening. Much better than the 5 minutes yesterday. She's still only getting 1 gram of bute in the morning. No more than that because she's got a sensitive tummy and I don't want her feeling good enough to move too much. Walking is still painful and she trips every few steps. However, the only growls I got today were when I pulled her away from grass, none when touching or re-wrapping her legs. Not much in the way of green around here. She's eaten every bit of clover near the wash area while hyro-ing.

I am hoping we are past the worst of it. How in the world am I going to keep her sane locked in a stall? She's got to stay out of the mud and it is the only dry place here. There's no end to the rain in the foreseeable future. I also need to figure out how to cross fence to protect her from the ever playful Diesel. Someone is going to lose access to the barn. Too bad I can't afford another barn and permanent cross fences. It's just not an option, yet.

Looks like she's gonna pull through this quick enough to justify sparing her life. I've never felt more blessed. Never riding her again is a small price to pay for having her for a few more years.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Yesterday was bad. Prissy barely got up. She did eat, drink, and poop. But her eyes told the story of her pain. I wondered if it was right to make her go through this. Today, she is slightly better. Lots of hydro and bandaged legs. She spent more time up and more time sitting rather than laying flat. She even woke me up before dawn kicking the walls. That's my girl. She has a long road ahead. The farrier came out and traced her feet for wedges and checked her angle, 55 degrees. He's going to talk to Doc before he does anything, wants to be clear on the directives. We may have to sedate her to do anything. In the meantime, rest and hydro. I wish we didn't have rain coming. This is breaking my heart.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Today when I came home I found Prissy down. She had been struggling to get up for some time. I thought I'd lost her. When I got near she screamed at me. It was chilling. She stayed down for a further half hour. She was not in mud, amazing considering the current mess we have here.

When she finally pulled herself up it was clear that she had bowed a tendon in the good leg. Now she has a bow on each front leg. She bowed the right front tendon just before the cold snap right at a month ago. The strain of favoring that leg led to a bow on the left today. The vet is hopeful. I can expect her to lay down most of the day for some time. I made her a stall in the barn, 12' x 24' with lots of cushy shavings. I can't help but worry about her. She's eating, drinking, and pooping but the pain must be horrendous. The vet thinks she'll be fine with time. I'm worried because this horse that has been completely sound her whole life is having multiple major injuries.

This mare is the love of my life. She's my first good horse and has been with me since I was 16 years old. I may talk about my relationship with Diesel and Bec but Miss Priss is just different. At 23 years old she is too young to be done. Losing her is my biggest nightmare.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Me Time

It's the rainy season. The pasture has wet spots and wetter spots. One thing is for sure, it is too wet to ride. The horses are in heaven with the extra grooming without a lick of work. So what do I fill my time with? The long evenings are wonderful but work does not sound great.

I have two authors I read religously- Janet Evanovich and Laura Crum. I have read each series many times. Each year I start back at the beginning before a new book comes out. Last weekend I began re-reading the Laura Crum mysteries. I've already read the first FIVE books. This isn't taking as much time as I expected. Can't wait for "Going, Gone" to come out in
April. I'm hoping to get an advance copy. If you are not familiar with this author I would highly recommend it. Horse people will relate. And on that note, I will retire to the recliner with "Breakaway". My life is blessed.

Monday, February 1, 2010

True Love

I don't usually discuss my personal life here. This is for the horses. is safe to say that Valentine's Day is a killer on my personal life. And this year is no different. I am recently single... again.

What I can count on is my love for the ponies. And their love for me. As that ugly Valentine's Day creeps closer I find a renewed love for Diesel. Being able to ride helps remind me how lucky I am. All I'm sure of is that a horse will cure every broken heart. Only horse people understand. I am in love with a big, goofy, orange horse.